Chapter 11

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Sapphire's POV:  Kaitlyn and I are at Build a bear, making a bear for my little sister Ramona, because ever since that day we lost our mother and ever since that day she saw our dad bleeding from his arm, she has had nightmares. So, Kaitlyn and I thought that it would help Ramona with her nightmares if she had a teddy bear with a recording of the song that Ashton would sing to her every time, she had a nightmare.

Kaitlin: Should we put a tiara on her?

Sapphire: Yes. * She says grabbing a tiara *

Kaitlin: What should we name her?

Sapphire: I want to name her Delilah because that was the name of our mom, but I also want to name her Marisol.

Kaitlin: Awe, I think we should name her after your mom. * She says with tears forming in her eyes all of a sudden*

Sapphire: Okay, I miss her. * She says trying not to cry *

Kaitlin: Are you ready to pay for Delilah? * She asked Sapphire*

Sapphire: Yes, let's pay for her. * She says wiping a stray tear from her eye *

Julienne: Are you ready to pay? * She asked*

Sapphire: Yes, but first let me put the recording in. * She says putting the recording in her sister's bear *

Kaitlin: Okay, shh. * She says comforting a crying Sapphire*

Julienne: Does she need any tissues? * She asked*

Kaitlin: Yes. Sapphire and Ramona's mum was killed in a crossfire, with the police and the suspect and was rushed to the hospital where she died, and we decided to name Ramona's bear Delilah because that was the name of their mum. * she explains*

Julienne: Oh my goodness, I'm so, sorry for their loss. * She says giving Sapphire some tissues*

Sapphire: Thanks. * She says grabbing the tissues and wiping her eyes *

Julienne: You're welcome. * She says to her *

Kaitlin: How much will the bear be?  *She asked the cashier*

Julienne: $72.86 but I can bring it down.

Kaitlin: I'll pay for the bear.

Julienne: $72.86 please.

Kaitlin: No problem. * She says taking her card out of her purse and scanning it to pay for the bear *

Julienne: Thank you for coming to build a bear and I hope that you enjoyed yourselves.  * She says to Kaitlin and Sapphire. *

Sapphire: Bye. I enjoyed making her a bear. * She says carrying the bear and putting it in the back seat on the floor *

Kaitlin: Ready to pick up Ramona? * She asked using her thumb to wipe away tears on Sapphire's face and then wiping hers away*

Sapphire: Yes. * She says not crying anymore*

Kaitlin: It is going to be okay; we'll get through this together. * She says hugging her *

Sapphire: Thanks. * She says accepting the hug *

~ At Ramona's School ~

Mrs. Jasmine: Well, class it is time for snack and then we'll go outside and play and wait for you parents to pick you up.

Fuchsia: Ramona, do you want to sit next to me? * She asked her new friend *

Ramona: Yes. I'll like that. * She replies to her friend*

Mrs. Jasmine: Today 's snack is goldfish crackers with some apple juice. * She says to the class and sanitizes her hands before distributing snack *

Fuchsia: So, tell me about the rest of your family.  * She says to Ramona*

Ramona: Okay. My family is pretty interesting. I have a big sister named Sapphire and she has basically helped my dad take care of me. My dad is the bassist in the rock band 5 Seconds Of Summer and so are my uncles Michael, Ashton, and Luke.

Fuchsia: That's pretty cool. * She says*

Ramona: It's pretty cool, I get to watch them perform live when they go on tour. * She says to her friend fuchsia *

Fuchsia: It must be fun. * she says to Ramona *

Ramona: It is. * She says to Fuchsia*

Fuchsia: My family is pretty interesting as well. My mom is a sergeant at the police department and my father he is an author, he writes a lot of Non-fiction and some fiction, and I get a copy of his books before he publishes it, and he also writes some children's books. * She says to Ramona*

Ramona: That's pretty cool. * She says to Fuchsia*

Fuchsia: She is actually coming to pick me up from school today. * She says to Ramona*

Ramona: My auntie and my big sister are coming to pick me up from school. * She says to Fuchsia*

Fuchsia: Maybe you should bring your auntie to the mother daughter dance on Saturday, or my mom can pick you up and we can go with her. I know she is not your mom but maybe she could be your mom for the night, or your auntie could be your mom for the night. * She says to Ramona*

Ramona: I like the idea, maybe I'll ask my auntie. * She says smiling *

Ms. Jasmine: I see that you made a friend Ramona and are getting to know her. * She says distributing their snack *

Ramona: Yes, I did. * She says accepting her snack and sanitizing her hands *

Fuchsia: Yes, Ramona and I are friends. *She says to her teacher and accepting her snack as well and sanitizing her hands also *

Ms. Jasmine: That's wonderful. * She says before going to the next table*

Fuchsia: Do you want to play on the swings with me Ramona? * she asks her friend Ramona *

Ramona: Yes, I would love that.

Fuchsia: Great!

Ramona: When my sister and godmother get here, I'm going to introduce you to them. * She says to Fuchsia*

Fuchsia: I'm going to let you meet my mom as well. *She says to her friend*

While Fuchsia and Ramona are playing together both of their parents pull up at the same time.

Ms. Jazmine: Fuchsia and Ramona your parents are here. * She tells them at the same time *

Fuchsia: Mommy. * She says running to her mom and hugging her *

Anastasia: Hi, sweetie. Slow down. * She says to her daughter *

Fuchsia: I want you to meet my new friend. * She says to her mother *

Anastasia: Okay. * She says to her daughter*

Ramona: KK. Sapphire. * She says rushing to the both of them and hugging them *

Sapphire: Whoa. You are really fast. * She says to her little sister *

Kaitlin: Slow down darling. * She says to her niece *

Ramona: I want to introduce you to my friend. * She says to her *

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