Chapter 9

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Ashton's POV: Ramona's school teacher just called me and told me that Ramona was screaming during nap time and that she won't come out of the bathroom, I'm concerned that she might have had that same nightmare she has been having.

Ashton arrives at Ramona's school and pulls into the school parking lot and parks his car before getting inside the school and rushes to Ramona's teachers' room to see if he could get Ramona to come out of the bathroom.

Mrs. Jasmine: Good afternoon, Ashton.

Ashton: Good afternoon, is Ramona, okay?

Mrs. Jasmine: I believe so, but I can't be sure.

Ashton: Let me see if I can get Ramona to come out.

Mrs. Jasmine: Okay, kids this way.

Ashton: Ramona, sweetheart. * he calls from the other side of the door *

Ramona: * sniffling * Go away.

Ashton: Hey, it's Ashton. Will you please come out?

Ramona: No. * she says sobbing *

Ashton: Ramona, I know that you had the same nightmare about your mum and the nightmare about your dad, but you can't stay in the bathroom forever, other kids need to use it.

* Ramona sobbing *

Ashton: Ramona, please let me know that you're alright.

* Ramona does their special knock now *

Ashton: I heard our special knock, I'm glad that you are safe, will you come out of the bathroom now?

Ramona: Okay.

Ashton: Hey, sweetheart.

Ramona: Hi, Ashton. * she says still sobbing *

Ashton: Hi, sweetheart. It's going to be okay. * he says pulling her into a comforting hug *

Ramona: I really hate having this nightmare.

Ashton: I understand, I know how traumatized you were when you saw what happened to your mother and what happened to your father but just know that your mother is looking down on you and your father is okay.

Ramona: Okay.

Ashton: Look at me, you're okay; Kaitlin and I are here for you, and we love you and won't let anything happen to you, that's why Calum made us your guardian if anything happened to him.

Ramona: Okay.

Ashton: I promise nothing will happen to him.

Ramona: Okay, thank you.

Ashton: You're welcome sweetie. Do you feel better?

Ramona: Yes.

Ashton: Good, let me talk to your teacher, and then I have to leave; I have a drum lesson to teach at 2 PM.

Ramona: Okay.

Ashton: Kaitlin and Sapphire will pick you up from school and take you to visit daddy at the hospital.

Ramona: Alright.

Ashton: I love you, sweetheart.

Ramona: Love you too. * she says hugging Ashton *

Ms. Jasmine: Thank you so much for coming.

Ashton: No problem.

Ms. Jasmine: Is everything okay with Ramona?

Ashton: Yes, she just had a nightmare.

Ms. Jasmine: What is causing them?

Ashton: Ramona was really young when he Mother Delilah passed; Delilah died in a crossfire with the suspect and the police, and then her father was rushed to the hospital for a wound in his arm which actually hit a vein and she is just really traumatized.

Ms. Jasmine: So, both of her parents passed?

Ashton: No, just one parent passed, and her father is in the hospital but is doing fine.

Ms. Jasmine: Okay, I'm just really concerned about her.

Ashton: Losing her mother was very traumatic for her and what happened to her father was traumatic as well, but she is safe. My girlfriend, her sister, and I are her guardians, so we're taking care of her; just until her father gets out of the hospital, he is doing fine.

Ms. Jasmine: Okay, I'm just trying to figure out how I could help her when she has these moments.

Ashton: You can try to calm her down, maybe when the others are outside playing, she could take her nap, or while she is napping have someone nearby like a student teacher.

Ms. Jasmine: So, try to keep her calm, have her nap while the other kids are outside or have a student teacher close by?

Ashton: Yes, she sometimes sings the song I generally sing to her when she has a nightmare to herself.

Ms. Jasmine: Okay, I can let her do that.

Ashton: Yes, but I would try to keep her calm mostly.

Ms. Jasmine: Okay.

Ashton: Don't hesitate to call my girlfriend Kaitlin or her big sister Sapphire if anything else happens with Ramona, especially if you can't reach me because I do teach a drum class at around 2 PM and they will come and get her.

Ms. Jasmine: Okay, thank you.

Ashton: No problem.

Ms. Jasmine: Thank you for coming to calm Ramona down.

Ashton: Any time.

Ms. Jasmine: Have a wonderful day.

Ashton: You as well.

Ms. Jasmine: Thank you.

Ashton: No problem. * He says leaving Ramona's school and getting in his car and driving home *

Ms. Jasmine: Alright class, time for some exercise.

The Class: Okay.

-- Meanwhile back at Ashton's house --

Ashton: Kaitlin. Sapphire. I'm home.

Kaitlin: We're in the living room.

Ashton: What are you two up to?

Kaitlin: We're doing each other's nails.

Ashton: Okay.

Kaitlin: I put your salad in the fridge to keep the salad greens cool, so, your lunch is ready.

Ashton: Thanks, the keys to my car are on the key hook.

Kaitlin: Okay, thanks.

Ashton: No problem, I'll let you get back to your girly stuff.

Kaitlin: Okay, have a good session.

Ashton: Thanks.

Kaitlin: No problem.

Sapphire: I really like this color.

Kaitlin: Me too.

Sapphire: I have to tell you.

Kaitlin: What is it, Darling?

Sapphire: There is this really cute guy at my school named Blake and I really want to talk to him.

Kaitlin: Why haven't you?

Sapphire: Because I'm worried that I would say something stupid when I try to talk to him; I guess you can say that I actually have some kind of crush on him.

Kaitlin: Oh my gosh.

Sapphire: I want to talk to him but part of me is just really nervous too.

Kaitlin: So, you're nervous about saying something stupid if you talk to him?

Sapphire: I really like this guy and I would love to go out with him, but I don't want to rush into a relationship with him, especially after what happened between Logan Atwater and me.

Kaitlin: What happened between you and Logan?

Sapphire: It's a long story.

Kaitlin: That's okay, I have plenty of time.

Sapphire: Alright.

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