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Welcome! This page contains warnings and disclaimers about the story you are about to read! You are welcome to skip this if you would like. First off, this is my first fully finished story, so be kind to my writing and please refrain from leaving negative comments. My writing isn't for everyone, so if you do not like it, then simply stop reading. Now for some warnings,


This story contains mentions and depictions of: self harm, eating disorders, sex, smoking, murder, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, anxiety attacks, violence, foul language, PTSD and male pregnancy.

Please proceed with caution :)

Now, please note that the ships in this story are Yoonmin, Namjin, and HopeTaeKook. All these characters come from my love for BTS, but in no way do I own them, their names or their personalities. This is a work of fiction and should be treated as such. My writing does not in any way reflect upon BTS or the members as individuals, it is simply an inspired piece from their personalities and my shipping of them. These are malexmale ships, so if you do not like that type of relationship then please refrain from leaving negative comments and simply stop reading. 

For all my Yoonmin shippers, and lovely readers, I hope you will enjoy Stand by Me just as much as I enjoyed writing it!

Happy Reading,

Madam Midnight <3

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