Chapter 5

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Jimin slammed his hands down on the counter top as he stared Jin down. Jin stood on the other side of the island, arms akimbo and eyes full of determination. He was unwavering and unfazed by Jimin's behavior. 

"This is stupid! You need to go home. You need to eat something for God's sake. It's only going to make you miss him more by staying here." Jin said slowly, voice tense with frustration. 

Jimin clenched his fists, his eyes drooping with exhaustion despite his fiery attitude. His hair was unkempt, he had been wearing the same clothes of Yoongi's for days straight, and he'd lost close to ten pounds from not bothering with regular meals amidst all the stress.

"No," He stated simply, voice low and quiet as he continued, "I'm not leaving. There is nothing for me at home! My parents haven't spoken to me ever since they saw the news about Yoongi's arrest! How can I go home?! And what about when Yoongi gets released huh? Someone has to keep his house clean and safe for him!"

Jin narrowed his eyes at the shorter male, glancing him up and down. "When was the last time you ate?" 

"W-Well I..." Jimin's voice died in his throat as he realized he couldn't actually recall the last time he'd eaten.

Jin sighed and shook his head slowly. He turned his head to the side, concealing the tears that threatened to fall at seeing how bad off Jimin had gotten in such a short time.

"You need to eat, and you need to get this ridiculous plan out of your head." He mumbled, "It's not safe and it could cause more problems with the investigation."

Jimin shook his head and gave Jin a firm look. "I'll eat more, I'm sorry about that. I'll admit I've been forgetting to eat recently, but I'm not giving up. I'm going to Taehyung's house tonight."

"No, Jimin that's-"

"Why do you want to go to Taehyung's house? It's a crime scene and illegal." Namjoon appeared in the door way, a few bags of groceries on one arm and a bag full of Italian take out in his free hand. He walked in slowly, picking up on the tension between the two as he set the take out on the counter and put the groceries down. 

"Go on Jimin! Tell him what your grand plan is!" Jin scoffed and turned away. He snatched up the bags of groceries, opening them angrily and putting them away in the little kitchen. 

Namjoon's eyebrows raised at his visibly shaken and angry boyfriend. It wasn't a common sight. He slowly turned his confused gaze back to Jimin.

Jimin rolled his eyes a little, scoffing at Jin's sarcasm. "I want to sneak into Taehyung's house and collect evidence. Just take pictures of everything! We need to find something to prove Yoongi's not the killer! The police took my alibi, but I can tell they don't believe me or Yoongi! We need to help! We have to do something or Yoongi will go to prison!"

Namjoon set his elbows on the counter and rubbed his face, forcing out a slow exhale as he mulled over Jimin's words.

"Okay first off, that is called breaking and entering, and it's fucking illegal. We'd also be tampering with the crime scene and that alone could ruin Yoongi's chance at a fair and positive trial outcome. Not to mention it's also fucking illegal, but..." As he trailed off Jimin's eyes lit up with hope. 

Jin spun around quickly when he heard his boyfriend starting to agree with Jimin's ludacris plan. He huffed and smacked the back of Namjoon's head lightly. 

"Don't encourage him! We'll get caught and then we'll all be in jail! Or worse we incriminate ourselves and Yoongi and he goes down for murder and we're accomplices! Tell me you're not considering this nonsense?!"

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