Chapter 23

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Jimin woke up consistently throughout the night every few hours from nightmares. He woke up in sweats and screams from every nightmare. After the third nightmare left him hyperventilating and sobbing, Amina gave him melatonin. She gave him a slightly higher dosage that effectively soothed him into a deep sleep for the rest of the night and the following morning. 

Amina kept a watchful eye over Jimin and saved his breakfast in his room for him when he didn't wake in time for breakfast. Once Jimin had woken up, Amina helped him to the bathroom and assisted him with a shower. She moved him back to his bed once he was dry and dressed. She gave him his morning medications along with setting up his breakfast for him on his lap tray before she left to check on her other patients. 

Jimin took a few bites of breakfast, nose scrunching up in distaste as the hospital food wasn't exactly delicious. He pushed the tray aside and opted for simply drinking the strawberry milk that accompanied his breakfast. Jimin took slow sips of his milk as he watched the world outside his hospital window carry on without him. Somewhere out there was Yoongi, sitting in a cell and staring out his own barred window. Jimin rested a hand over his heart, thankful that at least both he and Yoongi were sill under the same sky. 

Jin knocked lightly on Jimin's door, a big smile spread across his face despite the early morning. He carried with him a plate wrapped in tin foil, a vase filled with orange tulips and a bag full of Jimin's personal items. Jimin tilted his head, shifting his gaze back to the door at the sound of knocking. A delighted smile lit up his face at the sight of Jin. Just his presence was enough to clear some of the negativity bogging down his thoughts. 

"Good morning Jiminie! I bring goodies!" Jin set the vase of orange tulips on Jimin's bedside table and then set his bag down on the couch.

"Morning hyung, thank you for the flowers," Jimin leaned over, inhaling the intoxicating floral scent wafting off the orange tulips. They brought color and life to his dull little hospital room. 

"You're welcome, and I brought some of yours and Yoongi's stuff too. I'll get that out in a sec, but first," Jin proudly uncovered the tin foil covered plate with a flourish, revealing a tall stack of syrup soaked homemade chocolate chip pancakes, "Homemade pancakes!"

"Thank you, hyung! You made these?" Jimin's eyes widened, sparkling with delight at the sight of his favorite breakfast food. A growl echoed from his stomach, causing Jimin's cheeks to turn a pink hue of embarrassment. He happily took the plate of pancakes and set it on his lap tray, digging into them without a second's hesitation. He moaned with delight, happiness dancing across his features with every bite of pancake. 

"You're welcome Jiminie, and yeah they're homemade. I made them this morning so they'd be fresh and still warm for you. I hope they taste good!" Jin smiled contently and took a seat on the edge of his hospital bed. Seeing Jimin taking bite after bite of pancakes filled him with nothing short of pure pride and delight. 

Jimin devoured his pancakes, finishing off the entire plate which Jin praised him for whilst he cleared the tray and now empty plate. 

"Hyung? Can I see what you brought? Where's Namjoon by the way? Did he come?"

"Namjoon was talking with Yoongi's attorney on the phone downstairs and he didn't want to try talking on the phone in a crowded elevator and risk dropping the call. He should be up shortly though," Jin commented softly, smiling at Jimin over his shoulder as he picked up his bag. He brought it over to the bed and set it down, opening it and pulling items out one by one.

"I brought Yoongi's hoodie that you always wear and sleep in a lot. I also brought some of your photos from home, your charger for your phone, your laptop and headphones, Yoongi's cologne which I know you've been spraying on yourself, your toiletries and your favorite blanket," Jin smiled proudly as he glanced up at Jimin after showing him each of the items.

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