Chapter 37

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Namjoon pulled up to Jimin's house and parked on the right side of Jimin's beat up pickup truck. He remembered when Jimin told them he'd sold his car for the truck in order to have enough money to keep Yoongi's motorcycle in good condition for when he was released. The couple couldn't find it in their hearts to disagree with Jimin's decision, but they did increase Jimin's work bonuses on his paychecks to try and discreetly help. Namjoon came over frequently to repair Jimin's pickup truck anytime it had problems.

Jin climbed out of the car, frowning as he stared at the motorcycle parked two blocks down. It felt oddly familiar to him, but he couldn't quite place where he knew it from. Namjoon got out of the car and joined Jin, slipping his arm around his waist. 

"What are you staring at baby?" He asked softly. He followed Jin's gaze curiously, brows creasing in confusion when he saw the motorcycle.



"Hoseok's!" Jin and Namjoon's voices echoed in unison as the shock and fear washed over them. 

Jin turned to Jimin's house and ran up the porch steps, peering in the little window on the front door. He could see shattered glass and blood on the floor of the hallway. He pressed his ear to the door as Namjoon ran up to him, phone already in hand as he dialed 911. 

Jin grabbed Namjoon's arm as the shouting and loud bangs reached his ears. He turned to Namjoon, tears spilling down his cheeks.

"I can hear screaming! Namjoon! We have to do something!" Jin pleaded frantically.

Namjoon passed the phone to Jin as it rang, "Here, it's 911. Tell them what you heard, get someone here! I'm going in. We can't wait!"

Jin held the phone up to his ear, listening for an answer as he handed over their key to Jimin's house. His hands trembled as he pressed the phone against his ear and backed away from the door in fear. Namjoon unlocked Jimin's front door and pulled his pocket knife from his pocket, flipping it open as he stepped into the hallway slowly. 

"This is 911. How can I help you?"

Jin cried out with relief when the operator finally picked up. "W-We need help! W-We need police! My friend is being attacked! Please!"

"Alright sir, I'm dispatching the local police now. Can you please tell me your friend's address? Do you know the attacker?"

Jin gave Jimin's address as he craned his neck to peek into the hallway to see where Namjoon was in the house. He hadn't heard anything from him, but he couldn't tell if that was a good or bad sign. 

"The attacker is an old friend, but he killed two of our friends four years ago! He's back to kill Jimin! PLEASE! You have to send someone! He's going to kill him!" Jin's voice trembled and cracked as he spoke, the panic blinding him.

"Sir, take some deep breaths for me. The police are on their way now. Can you tell if your friend is injured?"

"I... I don't know! My boyfriend went inside to try and help, b-but I don't know! I can see b-blood and glass!" Jin gripped the railing of the porch, his knuckles turning white. He forced a deep breath as he tried to remain calm, but his panic and fear only worsened. His knees grew weak as he braced against the porch railing, sobs scratching at his throat.

Namjoon came bursting back through the front door seconds later. He stumbled out, running across the porch and jumping off the steps as he ran towards the street. Jin screamed, stumbling back in alarm at his sudden appearance. He covered his mouth, screaming once more as a bloody figure came running out after Namjoon.

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