Chapter 26

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The wind whipped through Jimin's hair, tossing the stands in his eyes wildly, but he pushed on. His lungs burned and screamed for oxygen as he turned left at the fourth block and spotted Hoseok's apartment complex looming another three blocks down. He could hear the echo of feet behind him and the out of breath shouting of his name from Namjoon and Jin who tried to catch up with Jimin. 

Jimin's stamina began to give out, his lungs and feet aching as his legs turned to jelly. He slowed his pace as he turned into the parking lot of Hoseok's apartment building. He jogged past the cars, eyes straining as he searched for any sight of Hoseok's familiar motorcycle. An exhausted but gleeful smile spread across his face when Hoseok's motorcycle was no where in sight. He jogged up to the elevator, pushing the call button frantically before hunching over with his hands on his knees. He heaved for breath, his chest falling up and down rapidly and sweat dripping into his eyes. His lungs attempted to replenish his oxygen supply with every strained breath he took. He braced against the wall to support his legs before they gave out on him once and for all. Coming straight out of the hospital on bed rest for a weak and a half and then running ten blocks was an ungodly task for his body.

"JIMIN!" Jin croaked breathlessly, his face flushed and sweaty as he jogged up to Jimin before collapsing to his knees in front of him. 

"What- t-the f-fuck is wr-wrong with you?!" He forced his words out between ragged breaths. 

"I h-had to get here f-fast hyung! Th-There's no time to w-waste!" Jimin's breathing steadied as he caught his breath. He leaned down and helped Jin up to his feet, flashing him an apologetic look.

Namjoon came running up to them a minute later, panting lightly and sweaty, but no where near as exhausted as the other two. "What the fuck Jimin?! Why'd you run out?!" 

"We need DNA!" Jimin blurted, grinning as the elevator opened behind him. He slipped inside and Namjoon and Jin quickly joined him, the two still catching their breath as they leaned against the elevator walls. 

"What the hell do we need DNA for? Why are we at Hobi's place?" Jin stared at Jimin like he'd lost his mind, and to him, he had. 

Namjoon shook his head slowly, cursing under his breath as he ran a hand through his sweaty hair. "Fuck Jimin! That was so stupid! What if Hoseok was here? Then how would we get his DNA?"

Jin glanced at Namjoon in confusion, huffing as he struggled to catch up to conversation amidst his lack of oxygen, "What the hell is this about?! What am I-" He quieted abruptly, mouth closing as it dawned on him what they were doing and why. 

"He's the killer..." Jin whispered, grief and betrayal flickering across his face. While they'd all come to this conclusion previously, it was another thing entirely to recognize that they were now pursing a murderer and about to break into his apartment.

Jimin pursed his lips, eyes darkening with sadness as he nodded solemnly, "It's gotta be him. It makes sense. We just need proof and if his sample isn't a match, then we know to look somewhere else, but he's the only one it could have been."

Namjoon nodded slowly, his face closed off and void of emotion. "We can't deny it. He's been suspicious from the start. We need to turn him in if it's his fault. It's the only way to free Yoongi. Hoseok doesn't deserve to walk free."

Jimin reached into his pocket and pulled out a sparkly purple iridescent knife. He flipped it open as he watched the number's on the elevator's display climb slowly. Jin's body tensed as his gaze landed on the pocket knife. His eyes held fear as he stared at Jimin.

"Jiminie, why do you have a knife...?" Jin questioned hesitantly.

Jimin ignored his question as the elevator dinged and it's doors slid open. He stepped out and stalked down the hallway, his gaze locked on Hoseok's apartment door. Namjoon and Jin shared a panicked glance before rushing after Jimin. They lagged a few steps behind him, falling silent as they trailed him. 

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