Chapter 18

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Jimin jolted up, a scream shredding his vocal cords. He seized his bed covers, pulling them up to his chest desperately as he curled into a ball against the head board. He lifted a shaking hand, wiping away his tears as he stared at the shadows on the walls anxiously. After a few minutes of staring down the shadows to see if they shifted, he began to breathe a little easier. 

His nightmare continued to replay in his mind, haunting him as he tried to block out the horrifying flashes of murder. He pressed his face into his knees, sobbing into them as he locked his arms around his legs. He broke down, sobbing with grief and fear that never failed to return each time he woke up. He rarely managed to make it through the night without nightmares waking him every few hours. 

As his tears began to subside, Jimin forced himself out of bed. He rubbed his aching stomach, groaning as a wave of nausea washed over him. He pressed the back of his hand to his mouth, eyes scrunched shut as he waited for the nausea to pass. He wrapped his arms around himself, easing back down onto the edge of the bed as he put his head down between his knees. 

Jimin counted the minutes slowly and when he finally reached ten he felt his body revolt against his nausea relief tactics. He jumped up, dashing to the bathroom seconds before he puked. He managed to make it to the toilet, collapsing in front of it. He vomited what little he'd eaten, slouching against the toilet as he let the nausea run its course. 

He sat back once his stomach was completely empty and his nausea had subsided. He leaned back against the wall, wiping away a few stray tears as he took several deep breaths. He rubbed his eyes, letting out a small yawn as he ignored the ache in his stomach.

"I am not sick. I have no time to be sick." Jimin muttered to himself, whimpering as he slowly stood up.

He held his head as a wave of dizziness washed over him, leaning against the bathroom wall for support. He took a deep breath, eyes closing briefly as he steadied himself. He waited for the dizziness to pass before stripping and getting a quick shower. 

Once he was out of the shower he got dried off and slipped into a pair of loose, light colored jeans with flower shapes cut out of them going down his thighs. He put on one of Yoongi's hoodies, a black one, and topped it off with a black beanie to conceal his ruffled hair that even brushing wouldn't tame. He brushed his teeth twice to get rid of the puke taste tainting his mouth. 

Jimin grabbed his concealer, tracing it under his eyes and blending it in. After two layers he'd finally managed to conceal his eye bags and exhaustion. He frowned as he took in the discoloration in his skin. He sighed softly before running some blush over his cheeks to bring his color back. The rosy color normally found in his cheeks had all but faded after he got sick and struggled to continue to eat properly.

He traced a little lip gloss over his lips and applied some light mascara. He put away his make up, gaze drifting back over to the toilet where he'd thrown up earlier that morning. He stared at for a long moment before his gaze dropped down to his stomach with a frown as a thought niggled at the back of his mind.

"No. No. It's not possible." Jimin whispered, rubbing his stomach anxiously as he shook his head, "Nope." 

Jimin flipped the lights off in the bathroom, heading out without giving a second thought to his sickness or pale features. He moved around his room, gathering up every piece of evidence that he had and putting it away into a tote bag. He filled it methodically, and made sure nothing became wrinkled in the process. After his outburst a few weeks ago he had reprinted his pictures and written new notes and accounts so that he could turn everything over to Yoongi's attorney. Once he'd ensured that Yoongi's attorney was actually trustworthy and working to help Yoongi, he'd compiled all his evidence once more and restored it so he could turn it in today.

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