Chapter 38

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"Y-Yoongi... you need to calm down! The officers will get mad and cut the call if you keep yelling!" Jin moved the phone away from his ear a little once Yoongi's yelling and profanities started up. 

He waited a minute or two before bringing the phone back to his ear. The yelling had died down and sobs had taken over Yoongi's side of the phone.

"I'm so sorry Yoongi... we... we should have gone to his house earlier then maybe... I don't know... we just don't know anything Yoongi. They just keep telling us Jimin's in surgery and holding strong. That's all we know. Hoseok got arrested, so Jimin is safe now." Jin held his breath, lips pursed together in a fine line as he waited for Yoongi's response.

"If Jimin dies... I... Jin he's my reason for living. If he dies then there's nothing left for me. He's my life. If Hoseok takes him from me... I could never forgive myself for not being there..." 

"I know... I'm so sorry..." Jin whispered. His voice was thick with emotions he was stifling, "But he's going to make it, Yoongi. We have to believe in him. He wouldn't leave without saying goodbye to you. He wouldn't leave you like this." 

"Fuck... I can't believe this! I wasn't there to protect him! This is my fault! I should've killed Hoseok when he came to my trial! That bastard! I'll gut him! I-"

The line clicked abruptly, cutting off Yoongi's enraged voice. Jin frowned and glanced down at his phone. He could only assume the officers in the prison cut off the call after Yoongi started talking about killing Hoseok. Jin sank down into his chair. He forced out a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding. Having to tell Yoongi about Jimin had been nagging the back of his mind ever since they'd arrived at the hospital. It had been fueling his anxiety, but even after telling him he didn't feel any less worried. He hoped Yoongi wouldn't cause any trouble. None of them could handle any more right now. They didn't want to add a fight between Yoongi and another prisoner to their list of fuck ups today. 

Jin lifted his head when he heard familiar footsteps and his favorite faint scent of cigarettes and cologne. A small smile worked it's way across his tired face as he watched Namjoon sit down next to him once more on their rickety old seats. Namjoon laid his arm over the back of Jin's chair, smiling softly at him as he nuzzled their noses together.

"Hey baby, any news while I was gone?" He asked softly. When he spotted the anxiety and sadness lingering in Jin's eyes, he knew there was no new news.

"No, nothing about Jimin, but Yoongi did call asking why Jimin missed his call... so I told him what happened. He didn't take it very well and when he got too mad the officers cut off the call." Jin explained slowly, a single tear sliding down his cheek.

Namjoon nodded slowly, lips pursed into a fine line of anxiety. He lifted a finger and wiped away Jin's tear, caressing his cheek gently as he sat in silence with him for a moment.

"Hopefully he'll calm down before he does anything to get himself in trouble. His rage will probably die quickly and turn into crying. We can try to call him again once we have good news for him." Namjoon scooted to the far side of his chair so he was as close to Jin as he could be. 

Jin gave a little nod. He chewed his lower lip, eyes distant and worried. Namjoon frowned and gently tapped Jin's cheek, giving him a small smile when Jin turned his focus back to him. 

"C'mere," Namjoon coaxed softly. He slipped his hands down to Jin's waist, tugging lightly.

Jin's cheeks flushed pink as he caught onto what Namjoon was offering. He slid off his chair and moved onto Namjoon's lap, curling up against his partner and resting his head in the crook of Namjoon's lap. Namjoon wrapped his arms around him, securing his lover in a gentle embrace. Jin sank into him, relaxing instantly from the calming familiar scent that lingered on Namjoon's honey colored skin. He buried his face further into his neck, shoulders sagging with exhaustion as he clung to his rock. Namjoon leaned back in his chair, holding Jin close as he savored the feeling of Jin's body relaxing after hours of sitting in anxious anticipation. They hadn't gotten any good news yet, but they could be waiting several more hours before that happened and Namjoon wanted Jin to at least be somewhat comfortable while they waited.

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