Chapter 10

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Jimin let out a choked sob of relief at the sight of his lover sat in one of the metal chair's circling the table in the center of the room. Yoongi turned at the sound of the door opening, his eyes going wide with surprise as they landed on Jimin. He stood up quickly, stumbling towards him in shock.



Jimin ran to him, a smile spreading across his face. The pair stumbled back a few steps as they embraced. They breathed in each other's scents, relief flooding their systems as the ache of being separated dulled for the first time in weeks. Yoongi tilted his head down, burying his face into Jimin's hair.

"It's black," He whispered.

Jimin let out a little laugh mixed with a sob as a few stray tears of joy rolled down his cheeks. "What?" He whispered.

"Your hair, it's black now." Yoongi mumbled as he lifted a hand, carding his fingers through Jimin's black locks.

"I dyed it. I thought a change would be nice." Jimin said softly, eyes lifting up to meet Yoongi's loving ones.

"It looks great on you sugar," He whispered.

Seung-Gi cleared his throat lightly, catching their attention. The couple tore their gazes away from one another to look at him.

"I'm gonna let you guys have some alone time to talk and catch up. Let me remove your handcuffs." Seung-Gi took a set of keys from one of the officers and moved in front of Yoongi. He unlocked his handcuffs and took them out with him, closing the door behind him to leave the couple alone.

Jimin turned back to Yoongi and embraced him tightly. "I was so worried about you! They kept saying I couldn't speak to you or see you! I've been coming every night for weeks to see if they would let me see you!" Jimin sat down on the table top quickly, cradling Yoongi's face in his hands as he stroked his cheeks.

Yoongi moved between Jimin's legs, arms resting around Jimin's waist as he took in the view of his lover's honey brown eyes and his sweet eye smile.

"Oh Yoon... baby what have they done to you? You're pale and- and you have bruises! Have they been abusing you? Do they feed you properly?" Jimin's eyes watered with tears as he traced his fingertips over a bruise on Yoongi's left eyebrow.

Yoongi shook his head a little as he reached up and took hold of Jimin's hand, intertwining their fingers. "It's nothing, sugar. I don't want you to worry about me. I'm fine, okay? Yeah they might not have given me all the meals I'm supposed to get, and yeah they've roughed me up a little, but it doesn't matter okay? It doesn't matter, sugar. What matters is me and you right here, right now. Okay? Tell me about you, huh? What's going on out in the real world? Are you eating okay? You look like you've lost some weight, sugar."

Jimin tilted his head up, kissing Yoongi's lips softly. "I'm fine. I lost my appetite for a while, but I'm okay. I promise, Yoon. Things are tense on the outside. It's so hard without you, but we're managing. Jin, Namjoon and I went back to Taehyung's house last week to search for clues, anything we could find that might help you. But we didn't find anything that pointed to the real killer! All we found was that Jungkook was pregnant with Hobi's baby and Hobi was getting hooked on drugs and alcohol. It seems like he was getting violent according to Jungkook's diary."

"Violent? Hobi? You're joking, right? He's never been violent before." Yoongi frowned slowly as confusion seeped into his features.

"No, I'm completely serious. I bumped into him with Jin here at the police station a while back. He yelled at us... he's gone off the walls. He kept saying you were a killer and he nearly got physical with us." Jimin searched Yoongi's face, watching his expression morph into one of betrayal.

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