Astrid's Goodbye

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THE LAST CHAPTER!!!!!!!!! I can't believe I've made it this far! And I'm so sad this story is ending.......:( But there will be more stories after this! I don't plan on stopping after this story is done. And I'll have my novel published in the real world soon enough, hopefully. Thank you all who have stuck with me so far, I really can't thank you enough for how supportive all of you have been. I didn't think that I would get this far in Wattpad. I honestly thought this would be one of those stories that has ten reads and one vote. But ya'll proved me wrong. Anyway, happy reading! I really really hope you like this story till the end! Long chapter, hope you don't mind. 


Astrid walked up the stairs to Hiccup's bed and Toothless purred softly when she rubbed his head affectionately. The poor dragon was probably going through the toughest time of his life right now. His rider wasn't going to make it, and what would happen to him? Toothless seemed to be that loyal dragon that would be too stubborn to let anyone else have him or even let them ride him. Hiccup's death was going to kill him from the inside. It would be a heartbreak for all of them. Thor, it was already a heartbreak right now knowing that their best efforts would go to waste as Hiccup slowly was dying. Painfully, if you might add. 

Toothless gazed at Hiccup's bed and Astrid took a sharp breath when she saw him. His eyes were closed but she knew, somehow, he was awake as he was losing grip to the world and on his last few hours of living. The Dragon Master she knew looked so unbearably pale on his bed as he looked stiff and uncomfortable. Every now and again, he would stiffen even more and screw his face up in pain. Breathing becoming ridged and painful and the sound clawed at Astrid's heart.

"Hiccup?" She asked in a mere whisper. He didn't respond as Astrid walked to the chair next to his bed and sat down. Grabbing his good hand. He twitched at the contact. "Hiccup, it's me, Astrid." 

He mumbled something she couldn't make out before he hissed in pain as Astrid flinched back slightly. 

Did he know she was there? Or would he die thinking he was alone, was Stoick wrong?

Before Astrid could burst into tears at that second, Hiccup's eyes fluttered open tiredly and they focused on Astrid. Forest green eyes met blue. The pain there was all Astrid saw, tears slipped down the sides of her cheeks. 


"Was wonderin' where you were," Hiccup slurred out quietly and started coughing with harsh rasps. "Wn't with the others," He said tiredly and looked at her after gaining control again. He was surprised when she didn't show up with the others. When Hiccup saw them, he was so grateful that he was able to see them before he...died. He was going to have to get used to that being his fate from now on.

Astrid didn't say anything. She looked at Hiccup and she saw her face that looked defeated. Not like the strong viking warrior he had grown up to love. The one that had been with him through anything. And she didn't disappoint, here she was now. By his side.

"Hiccup I-" A sob choked her and she looked away.

Hiccup knew her too well, he knew what she was thinking. It was the same way he understood Toothless. Him and his dragon didn't need to talk to each other. He could understand what she was feeling. Sometimes, it would be hard to see under her protected skin. But it seemed all barriers were down. He could sense her guilt.

"Astrid," Hiccup started and Astrid looked at him. "This is not your fault," Hiccup said. It hurt to talk. His body felt like it was on fire. But he had to tell her. "If anything, it's my fault," He continued and winced. "I should have been more careful with that dragon. We didn't know anything about it and I completely sent you guys into danger when you tried going to find the antidote."

An Unknown Sickness - httydNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ