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The Edge came into view and Astrid breathed a sigh. She was exhausted. They all were. At least Fishlegs didn't complain like the twins. It was night, the stars twinkled above them in the cloudless sky. She was glad that they were heading to the edge first before they went to the island. Astrid didn't know if she would be able to keep it together during the flight. And the twins probably would turn back and fly to the Edge. They also needed to stalk back up with food and water for their long flight tomorrow. Astrid wanted to leave right away, but knew they would end up leaving more towards the afternoon. 

Tuffnut was almost sleeping sitting up as they landed at the Clubhouse. Astrid was shocked to see that Snotlout was there, sleeping against Hockfang with his helmet over his face and his arms crossed. She didn't know how he was sleeping, Hockfang was snoring like the gigantic beast he was.

But as Astrid, Fishlegs, Ruff, and Tuff entered, Hockfang awoke and got up, causing Snotlout's head that was resting against him to hit the ground.

"Hockfang..." He grumbled angrily and got up. He didn't make any more of an argument though he would normally, Astrid could tell he was tired. "Oh! Hey guys," He said with a yawn and a stretch. 

"What are you doing here? And not in your hut?" Astrid asked confused and he sighed.

"I was waiting for you guys to get back," He said simply and Astrid was even more grateful that they hadn't headed to the island. "Gothi came by to give Hiccup herbs and check up on how he was doing, the Chief will be coming tomorrow..." Snotlout's voice trailed off again as he yawned.

Ruff yawned too. Then Tuff. 

"What?" Ruffnut asked. "You know yawning's contagious," She said.

"Anyway," Snotlout said, ignoring the twins. "I'm afraid he's getting worse." Astrid's heart dropped into her stomach and she could feel her eyes going wide. "Gothi said that, he's in a lot of pain," Snotlout said quietly, looking at the floor. "And that he's struggling more than we know."

Fishlegs let out a gasp. Even though the twins were tired, they kept their heads up, listening. 

"What else other than pain?" Astrid asked in worry. She was going to go check on Hiccup as soon as this conversation was over.

Snotlout audibly gulped. "There's another effect that the venom is giving him." Snotlout paused before continuing. "His muscles are getting tighter and tighter to the fact that it is nearly impossible for him to move. And without moving to hurt. When I checked on him yesterday, I could feel his muscles going tense and he couldn't relax them. Before Gothi left for Berk, she told me that the parallelization is affecting him quickly and she is unsure how long it'll last."

Astrid nodded slowly. She wanted to see Hiccup so badly. "I think that we all deserve a rest. Thank you so much, Snotlout," She said before everyone split up to their huts. Astrid went straight to Hiccup's. She didn't care if he was awake or not. 

As she reached the hut, she looked at the moon. It was a sliver of a crescent that reflected on the water just as the sun did that day. It was high in the sky to indicate midnight. The stars were scattered across the dark navy blue and black sky like fire worms as they reflected perfectly visible on the dark sea. Hiccup always had one of the best views of the base and of the sea. Too bad he couldn't enjoy it now.

Opening the door slowly, there was a growl from the second floor. Astrid looked to see Toothless who had mistaken her as an intruder at first sight. He relaxed when he noticed it was her and came bounding down the stairs to her. 

"Hi, Toothless!" Astrid said excitedly but quietly. Toothless cooed as she rubbed his head. Toothless turned and bounded back up the steps. With a sigh, Astrid followed him to Hiccup. As soon as she saw him she wanted to burst into tears, but she held strong. His state was worse. His face was pale and there were dark bags under his clenched eyes. His chest was bare, and Astrid could see the scratches where the dragon had attacked him. An infection was taking over, making it puffy and an angry shed of red. The one on his neck was also open, but the one on his right hand was still bandaged. The white was slowly turning red. 

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