27. I am your loyal subject

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The majority of the villains where now in custody and everyone was fine, other than a few bruises and scratches everyone got of pretty well.

Obviously it just had to be me and Izu who got hurt. Deadpanning in the back of the ambulance they bandaged up my ancle which was unfortunately a clear break. Currently recovery girl was off doing what she could to help take care of Izu, so I was left with bandages a foot brace as well as crutches.

"Alright your all set, still no pain right?" The doctor as writing some notes on the checklist.

"I can only feel a slight fuzziness. I don't know how to describe it." I laugh scratching my neck.

"That's fine a lot of people feel that after the initial brake, Recovery girl should hopefully be back to help you soon. Only a few hours in these and you'll be all set." He said a cheery smile on his face as he waved a quick goodbye.

'I can't believe I was one of the only ones who got hurt! Stupid Kermit copycat!' I pouted slightly annoyed, luckily it wouldn't be long till I could get out of this stupid boot.

Leaning onto the crutches I tried to slowly get up, I had never used these things. Getting onto my feet I leaned onto my good foot moving the crutches a bit forward before swinging to it. It took a while but before I knew it I was breezing through it. 'That was a lot easier than I thought'. I shrug walking up to Shoto's figure in the distance.

"Hey Sho." I shout  quickly earning his attention.


"No!" I gasp.



"Yes. Your brother is now in my class so I learnt his name pretty quickly and well sinc-"

"I know how you figured it out!" I blurt out fake tears falling down my cheek.

"Well it won't be long until you find out my last name." Shoto said a sad expression plastering his face.

"Yeh I guess I'll just steal Aizawa register tomorrow." I plan.

"Now that's cheating."

"I'm still gonna do it."





'Oh how the tables have turned?' I snicker.

With a quick roll he moved onto the next topic.

"What happened to get you into this situation." He asked gesturing at the crutches.

"Oh yeh. I kinda got in a fight with this guy who could make clones from his quirk, they were really weak though I took them down easily but he was a lot stronger and managed to push me down and then kind of stamped on my ancle in till it well you know, broke." I laugh trying to get over the tension in the air.

"You won right?" He asked a stoic strict look on his face.

"Don't you go thinking I lost." I laughed punching him in the arm.

"We should get you guys back to the main campus, they've been through enough we don't have to question them right away." A guy spoke up sending order to an officer. 'He must be a detective.'

"Detective how is Mr Aizawa?" Tsu asked hopping over to the detective.

"The bones in his arms are splintered and he's got facial fracturing, fortunately there doesn't seem to  be any brain damage and we have no way of knowing if his eyesight will be impaired when he gets up." He say giving us the honest truth.

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