1. Pinkie Promise!

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The savoury delight of the corner shop sushi danced on my impeccable, well actually average taste buds, momentarily transporting me to a realm of culinary bliss, a dreamland I thought. I contemplated indulging in another round when the jarring realization struck me like a bolt of lightning.

"Fuck" I cursed, stuffing my phone back into my jacket pocket and leaping from the bench. With a frantic pace, I dashed towards the annoying traffic lights.

"Late again... Mom's going to flip, and teach will hand me another detention," I grumbled under my breath, my mind racing with excuses after excuses.

"I'm gonna have to sit through another earful of Mrs Takao soldering me." I groaned internally, briefly considering blaming my tardiness on a villain attack before dismissing the idea as I had 'used that one too many times' the words of Mrs Takao cold voice lingering in my head haunting me.

I'm sure you've already heard this a million times already though I'll tell it to you again, a staggering 80% of our world's population possess a power called a quirk, now day's city's look like places from comic books, not what they would have typically looked like 100 or even 200 years ago. Our world has changed dramatically, but with the change of quirks there was also something else, people also started getting mysterious names or words on their body, some even had a red string tied around one of their fingers. They were magically some even moved, such as a name. Mine has little swooshing fire within the words, but that doesn't matter. These magically things eventually proved love existed, true, real, lifelong love. It existed! These tattoo like inscription on our skin will one day lead us to our soulmates, the love of our life!

Glancing at my phone, my excitement dissipated and a soft curse left my mouth. "8:39... Great. School started 10 minutes ago."

I ran on still pondering of my silent bond with my own soulmate, a connection shrouded in secrecy since childhood. Despite our mutual understanding, communication between us had dwindled over the years, leaving me yearning for the connection we once shared when we were the immature age of 6.


"Midoriya, fifteen minutes late again. What's your excuse this time?" Miss Takao's stern voice snapped me back to reality.

With a nervous laugh, I gave a stupid, feeble excuse involving a runaway cat and as well as lost homework, inwardly cringing at my own stupidity.


'Lunch' I though finally seeing the clock strike 1.

Picking up my already packed bag I dashed out the back door escaping the claws of Mrs Takao and her scolding.

"Hey! Midoirya wanna join us." A student from another classed ask.

"Aha no can do." I answered walking away.

"Hey Midoirya, want to hang out at the arcade today, they got some new sick games yesterday."

"Can't, got detention." I answered ignoring the groans of irritation behind me.

"Hey Midoriya-"

'No. One. Ever. Leaves. Me. Alone.' I think trying to maneuver my way through the crowds of people.

Having a quirk and might I say looks similar to my own annoyingly gave me something I never wanted. Attention.

I'm the type of person that rather sit down with a group of close friends and talk about weird jokes and plot twist on tv series. I would like to have friends that don't want to just be friends with me because of my quirk, because they believe I'm a promising hero and can one day leach off of me to gain a lavish life. I didn't want those kind of friends but unfortunately, middle school student were all snotty nose brat who couldn't give two shits about anyone but themself.


Having found my solitude on the rooftop I layed down placing my head on my jacket as if it were a cushion and thinking of nothing but lazing around when I get home to my warm bed.

Placing another chip into my mouth I turned onto my stomach finding my playlist and turning on some tunes. 'At least another 10 minutes before classes are back on.' I groaned wishing to never sit down in a lesson for science ever again. 'Detention after as well.' Letting out another groan I faceplanted into my jacket.

"I miss him," I whispered, my voice barely audible above thanks to the jacket that muffled my voice. Looking up at my wrist I starred at the fiery inscription of his name. 'Katsuki Backugo'. I starred and starred wishing he had never changed from the sweet yet rude boy he once was.

"Hey Ayumi!" I heard my head trailing back to the moment we were nothing but ignorant children.

"When we get older, we should become heroes, I'll be number 1 just like All Might and you can be my partner, the number two hero." He giggled pointing in between us.

"YEH! WE'LL BE LIKE NINJA SIDEKICKS IN A NINJA MOVIE!" Little me screeched jumping up and down uncontrollably. As I agreed I saw the sparkles of excitement appear in his own eyes, matching the brightness and innocent smile on his face.

"Promise!" He reached out his pinkie a happy smile on his face.

"Pinkie promise!" I agreed and we pinkie promised it.

"Why did you stop talking to me you dumbass." I mumbled yet again muffled by my jacket

As I continue to gaze onto the name forever burnt into my memory a sudden dull surge of pain appeared. At first it felt like nothing but a simple ache but it didn't take long for the pain to progress and soon searing pain enveloped my senses leaving me silent in agony. Trembling and disoriented, I closed my eyes enduring my pain as it slowly passed. Opening my eyes I looked down at the mark shocked by the appearance. The flames that once move majestically in Kachan name, the ones I had grown to love for 8 years, gone. Instead replaced with a crimson mark.

"What?" I wondered, my mind left in uncertainty.

"I've got to get to class," I murmured.

1004 words


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