5. Sludge villain

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As Izuku sat down for dinner it was rather obvious something was wrong. Izuku and mum were being quiet and just ate their food while normally they would either be laughing or balling their eyes out about something pathetic.

'Could they had gotten into a fight when I was gone.' I thought as I watched both of their unusual behaviour. My mum put down her chopsticks and looked straight at Izuku her glare piercing right through him while I just watched with noodles dangling out my mouth.

"You know you could of gotten seriously hurt. Izuku I'm just looking out for you, you can't defend yourself out there."

'Seriously hurt?' I wondered slurping on my noodles. 'did he done something dangerous.'

"I don't know why I did that, it kind of just happened."

"'Kind of happened'. Izuku you could of gotten killed." Mum shouted. By now she was standing up and seemed on the verge of tears. My eyes switched from Izu and mum like an oblivious kid. 

"When the news came on, all I could see was my son in the background surrounded by hero's. While the news explained that you tried to save Kachan from that giant sludge villain."

'save. Villain. Kachan.' slowly my mind began to peace things together. My brother, who has no quirk,  tried to save my soulmate from being killed by a villain.

"Look I just couldn't stand their as Kachan was being chocked to death. The desperation in his face just made me move... I didn't even think of what I was doing." Everything was happening to fast, what was Izuku up against? Why would he try to help don't we have hero's to do that? Could of Kachan and Izu been killed?

There was a few more minutes of the shouting before Izu retreated back into his room. And then the room became quiet. My apatite was long gone now replaced with curiosity by what had happened.

I stood up and quickly put my food into the empty leftover box. When I was done mum was gone as well and I was left alone in the kitchen.

Food was still on the table.

Picking it up I went towards Izuku's room and knocked on the door. Izu opened it quickly and I barged my way into his room past him to place the now slightly hot food on his table. I stood there for a second looking at his computer that had multiple tabs up like 10 minutes ago. This time the question at the search button said 'What is All might's quirk.'

I brushed this off as his obsession for the number one hero before turning around and tackling him in a hug. For a second he stood their confused on what to do, he was tense and frozen on the spot. But soon he returned the hug and nothing was spoken until Izuku broke the silence.

"Kachan's fine. After the villain was captured he was alright he could stand up and walk on his own. " He said almost as he knew what I was thinking.

"Are you alright."

"I'm alright I managed to get out of their with only a few scolding's from the hero's."

"Good. You had me worried for a moment. I might sneak out to Kachan's. I want to talk to him about it." I say. "I didn't know what had happened but being in a situation where you are being hold captive by a villain must have been terrifying." For a moment Izu looked at the floor and stood in silence.

"Yeh go do that. If your still not here I'll cover for you." He said brushing past me and heading towards his desk.

"Thanks for the back up Izu. I owe you one."

"See you Yumi."

Closing the door to his room I went into mine changing from my school uniform and into something much more comfortable. It was around 7 o'clock in winter so the sun was long gone. Even though it was dark it didn't scare me. Kachan's house was a 10 minute walk away. So there were less chances of anything bad happening.

I left the house quickly and quietly so mum wouldn't figure out. My door was right by the front door so I could escape easily.


I stood out Kachan's house. I hadn't really thought of how I would do this Mitsuki was probably at work because of her demanding job so it probably meant that Masaru would most likely open the door. I walked through their well kept garden heading for the familiar front door.

I waited a moment but their was no response. I knocked again this time louder just in case they didn't hear. But still no response.

'I've come this far. If no one opens up I will start shouting at Kachan to come and open up.'

I knocked yet again. It was a much louder and desperate knock. But still no reply.

'That's it.'


Putting my ear against the door I listened out for any signs of a moving person. It took a moment but I quickly heard running down what I could was stairs. 'Took long enough.'

"The fuck are you doing here dipshit."

"Come on. This is how you greet me after we haven't spoken in years." I replied annoyed with his normally rude personality.

"What you want me to greet you with cupcakes and flowers."

"Never. I would vomit at the sight of you even being a tinsy bit romantic." Kachan rolled his eyes at my comment before moving away from the door keeping it wide open so I could get in.

His house was dark and the lights were all turned off except the one in his room upstairs. Which I could see from here.

"Are your parent out or something."

"They went out a few days ago for a business trip." He said turning into the living room. 'So he went home to an empty house. Do they even know what happened.'

"What happened. I don't know a lot, but I know that today you could've been killed."

"Killed? Now that's an exaggeration, no matter how strong that villain was their was no way he could of killed me." I wasn't so sure about that. Kachan may be strong but without training their was no way he could of won.

"What was the villains quirk." I ask. I wanted to know what my brother had gone against, what Kachan was hold captive by.

"I'm not really sure. It was like green sludge. He kept on saying I'll be a 'good vessel' and it would only 'hurt for a moment' if I didn't fight back. The sludge was slippery so it was hard to grip onto and whenever I tried my hand just slipped." Kachan said seeming slightly mad at himself. If only I didn't go against Mrs Takao in lessons today I wouldn't have got that extra detention and have to walk Aito home. I would of gone home that way and gone past Kachan. With my quirk I could of helped. I would of been able to burn away whatever that stupid sludge was.

'What am I supposed to say. Does he even want to be comforted or do I just go home he seems fine.'

"Have you eaten since you got back." I ask. Maybe food could help, I'm not exactly an expert on cooking but I know how to make a mean bowl of bolognaise.


"You sit down I'll be in the kitchen." I pointed at the couch and before he could question me I was gone.

1288 words

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