15. You Fucking Cheated

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I slouched against my chair when the projection finally shut down. Everything felt surreal and it was only just starting to sink in that this was the chance I had waited for, for so fucking long.

'I'm going to UA... I'M GOING TO UA!'

Standing back up I pushed my chair out the way and walked/ran towards my door to tell mum.

'She's going to be so proud.'

Slamming open the door I saw her pacing in-between me and Izu's room.

"Mum!" I shouted, simultaneously knocking her out of her thought she turned towards me surprised.

"I got in- I got in!" She stood a few feet away from me looking at me amazing before rushing to give me one of her bone crushing hugs.

"This is amazing, come on let me make you something."

My mind was so full of thoughts that I hadn't realised I was speaking aloud about all the jobs I was now needing to do with such excitement

"Schools going to finish soon so I need to get everything ready, where do you find the UA uniform and will it be expensive, it's such a prestigious school. I need to know soon so I can go out and buy it. Oh, I might still have money left from last year's summer, I could use that for the uniform. Omg I need to text Kachan, he would be so happy I got in, and he definitely got in with his score-"

Mum interrupted me with a laugh as she passed me a mug.

"Darling don't start overthinking things like your brother."

Managing to shut me up I took a big sip of the chocolatey liquid only to regret it as it burned my tongue.

'Still the best day ever though.'

Mum retreated back into the kitchen for a few second before she grabbed her cup of tea and came to sit down next to me

"I know this isn't the best chance to ask this but do... Do you think there's any chance Izu could get in?" Mum asked sounding worried.

Setting down the hot chocolate I turned to mum and shook my head.

"I know he'll find it hard to except, but it's for the better. With Izu clinging onto this dream he's just going to make it even more difficult to except if he realised later on. With the rejection from UA he can finally start dreaming for something more achievable."

She looked at me upset before nodding and taking a few sips of her tea. She seemed lost in thought, but I passed it as her being worried.

"I'll make food tonight, I can tell your tired."

"Oh god was I making it too obvious, you know how to see straight through me Ayumi."

"So what you want."

"Oh nothing big I'm not really that hungry."

Nodding my head I pondered for a small meal that wouldn't take as long to make. Scanning through the cabinet I caught the site of oyster sauce and next to it was some rice.

'Aha, shrimp fried rice it is.' Reaching up I managed to get hold of both the oyster sauce and rice which I then left on the counter next to the oven. 'Alright what's next.'


Everything was loud. The sound of the Tv, the food making the familiar sizzling sound in the pan as it sat on the hob.

'Oh come on where are you.'

I rummaged through the freezer in search of the shrimps which I believed should be somewhere here. Getting angry I slammed the door to the freezer and walked to the fridge whispering a few rude words to myself.

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