3. Spoke up

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The past hour in Mr Nishikawa class was uneventful except for what had happened at the start of the lesson. He would just ramble on about something for ages and it wasn't even interesting.

So obliviously I decided to do what any sane teen would do and secretly put in headphones and listened to music while drawing some stuff in my notebook. Within that time all the things that were worrying me just disappeared and I daydreamed about being saved by some super-hot fictional character.

The lesson was just a lecture so luckily, he didn't ask any questions and if he did, I can't remember them.

When the bell went off and Mr Nishikawa kept the lesson going. But I had already come up with a very, very smart plan to get out of there.

'Alright okay his back is turned this might be the moment of truth.3... 2... 1... and'

A few minutes before the bell rang, I had come up with the perfect idea of getting out of this hell. With my air pods in and my favourite song playing I crouched behind some randos desk with all my belonging in hand. I was slowly but surely making my way towards the door at the back of the classroom. 'So now that I'm here what the hell am I supposed to do'. Oh shit, I guess my perfect plan wasn't as perfect. 'Maybe if I just open it quickly, he won't have time to react and I'll already be close enough to the science room. Or I try it slowly and get caught and maybe I'll have to do a triple detention. Oh, please don't let that happen.'

So, for my daring and not so perfectly thought out escape I went with the obvious choice and slammed the door open standing back up and running as fast as I have ever done before. And surprisingly my plan had worked out and all I heard was a laughing and a very mad teacher.

'Well, I guess I might have detention again tomorrow'


The last hour had gone by quickly thanks to my playlist plating in the ear as well as the chilled coffee I had brought from a vending machine. There was just enough charge on them to last the next hour but not the walk home unfortunately. It was around 4:40 and I had been working on cleaning the science room up quickly as I could. Mrs Takao really hates me, I'm pretty sure she tells the teacher in this room to not even bother cleaning up and just make it messier. There was one broken conical flask and beaker on the floor, chairs were scattered all over the room, textbooks were left on the table and stationery was all over the floor. I wouldn't only have to clean this all up but also mop it at the end thanks to spillage of chemical. 'I swear to God if I go back to Miss Takao's classroom and it's like this I'm going to through a fit.'

As I carried on cleaning, I was close to finishing the science room but obliviously not everything is going to easy for me. The spillage at the back of the room was diluted sodium chloride as said by the small sticker attached to a piece of broken glass. Which meant that not only would I possibly get a small cut on me but also have some kind of rash on my hands.

'The word must love me so much.'

So, with only one way to do this I leaned down and began picking up some of the visible and bigger pieces of the glass and leaving all the smaller piece in there for the mop to pick up. Within a couple of minutes, I was done with it, and only a few cuts were on my skin but there wasn't any rashes on my skin, so I just hoped I got lucky and washed my hands picking up my bag from the ground and heading back toward miss Takao's classroom.

"Would've, could've, should've" I whispered as the chorus of the song I was listening to played in my ears.

"I would've stayed, On my knees. And I damn sure never would've danced with the devil" The song continued and lyric flowing back to my head as I continued singing the next part of the song.

"At nineteen, and the god's honest truth is that the pain was heaven." I couldn't remember the next few lyrics but continued to hum the tune. And waited for the next part that I knew. At this time of day all the teacher and student were gone, and the janitor had already paid me a visit to give me the keys to lock up. He knew he could trust me with them because I had locked up the science block many times before.

"I could've gone on as I was, But, Lord, you made me feel important, and then you tried to erase us."

"Ooh, oh" That was all the lyrics I knew but like normal continued to hum the song as the beat became louder. 'Taylor Swift is like Greek God at singing.'

It was almost 5, the science room had taken up most of my energy, but it was better to finish this now then have to deal with miss bad attitude in the morning.

As I opened the door, I came to relies that it was completely clean. The chairs were on top of the table misses chalkboard was whipped of all leftover writing and the floor looked brand new. There sat one boy looking out the window and at the sunset. His hair seemed recognisable and so did his bag that leaned at the bottom of his desk. He hadn't seemed to notice me gawking over his looks but soon turned around to get his bag to leave, which was when he noticed me.

"Aito...- Wait what are you doing here don't-, your bus it must have left ages ago. How are you going to get-"

"Ayumi. Took you long enough I thought you had forgot."

"Wait d-did you do this."

"Yeh well Miss kind of left this place looking as if it were a garbage dump, so I thought maybe I could like help you out."

"Aito, y-you didn't need to do this. This was my job you need to get home now."

"Nah there's a train I can catch that will get me close enough to home."

"You and me both know that, that train don't get you anywhere close to where you live."

"Look okay it's just you spoke up to miss today and, she didn't even give the class any homework today, which must mean your words must have gotten to her. I just felt like I owed you something."

"You could've have done something different okay, I wouldn't of wanted you to do this."


"Okay alright this was too much I'll walk you to the train station. Let's get going"

"Oh, uh okay"

Me and Aito had been close friends ever since 6th grade. We got paired together for a project and immediately hit it off. We were always together and quickly became best friends. Thought when we began middle school things changed. Aito began to have feeling for me. It was obvious, every time we were close he would always blush and he couldn't really talk to me all that well. I didn't know what to do so I immediately distanced myself from him, and with the rise in my popularity I never got back to talking with him as I wanted to avoid any weird rumors about either of us.

'No ones around so It'll be fine.'

"Come on let's get going. " I said as I grabbed hold of his arm and skipped towards the doors to get out.

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Okay what is it with this school system. Like I'm so confused. Honestly I hate being British sometimes. 😭😭

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