11. Promise

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That's what I picture Ayumi to look like ^


"So what happened for you to come hear Miss Ayumi" Spoke the doctor as he pushed himself onto the chair.

"Well, um for the last couple of months- It's too confusing to talk about but um, let me just show you."

Lifting up my sleeve it showed the bandages that went up to my elbow. It took me a moment to get the bandages off but once it was off you could see all the burn. They were all different kinds of shades of red. The most recent new part of the burn was a light red but when you looked down at the wrist you could see it had been unable to heal and was a dark red kinda shade.

The doctor in front looked amazed at what he was seeing. He seemed to be analysing everything about it.

"Doctor, do you have any idea what the problem could be. I believe my quirk is the cause of this."

"Incredible." The doctor whispered under his breath as he inspected my burns closer.

"I believe I know the cause to this. But I will need to take a sample of your blood to be sure, this will help me give you the correct amount of medicine."

"What do you think it could be?" Looking up from my arm I watched the doctor reach for some needles in his draw before approaching me.

"I don't think it would be best to tell you now. But I assure you, you will now what it is in a few months. Now please pull up your other sleeve so we can get this over and done with"

"Months" I say in a whisper as I do what he said. I watched in confusion as he pushed the needle into a vessel.

"With all due respect, it shouldn't take a few months to get a result to a blood test." Shoto said also sounding as pissed off as I was.

"I know it sounds ridiculous but this type of what should I call it- Oh, special case would take a few months. Now, now move along I have a few more patience I need to see. I'll see you soon Ayumi, I'll have the secretary ready to email you when I have the results." He finished up what he was doing and tightened the lid to the tube holding my blood before turning away from us both.

"But is there no way you can cure this temporarily. Like at heal some of the burns." I shout shooting up from the chair I sat on.

"Nope. But I guess if you can get in contact with recovery girl up at UA she'll be able to heal the burns completely at first but, she can't stop the pain of it coming back. Now go I have other patients to talk too."


"That was a complete waste of time."

"I believe he should of just told you what it could have been, not make you question it for the next few months."

"Ugh who cares. I just hope he could have given me some kind of medicine to ease the pain if they have it. But anyway come on I believe it time to start training." I said lifting the gloomy atmosphere before grabbing on his wrist and pulling him towards a nearby park.


The last month flew by. Now it was the morning of the UA entrance exam.

"Okay Ayumi you can do this. The last few months of hellish training were all meant for this day."

Hyping myself up I grabbed the towel and whipped off the toothpaste around my mouth before drawing a smiley face on the mirror.

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