6. This can't be happening

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I was quick to finish making the sauce leaving the meet to cook for a few more minutes before I added them to the sauce then the pasta.

'Ughh. I regret not eating dinner, I'm so hungry now.'

Staring down the pork mince, bacon and spaghetti I hoped that they would cook quickly so I could devour it soon.

Trying to distract myself from my thought I walked over to the sink so I could wash my hands again. Unfortunately I splashed some water onto my hand loosening the bandage I had tied around my wrist. 'Shit. I'll have to fix it when I get back. I'll have to leave soon, it starting to peel off. I knew I shouldn't have rushed it'. Becoming angry at myself I heard the sizzling of the meat.

'It's done. I've made this so might as well stay to eat it then I'll go.'

Cutting the bacon down into smaller placed I chucked the spaghetti into the sauce mixing it all together.

"Kachan! Come to the dining room." I shouted.

"Your still here-"

"Tadaaa..." I said awkwardly putting the bowls down on the table.

"Seriously Ayumi."

"What you said you hadn't eaten." I responded confused with his bewildered state.


Soon the food was demolished and we were both feeling stuffed.

"That was so good." I said falling halfway down the chair.

"If you had added spice it would of been 10 times better."

"Not everyone can handle spice like you can Kachan."

"Still. It would of tasted better."

Ignoring his words I Pulled myself up so I could clean stuff up before Mitsuki got home.

"Don't just sit there you lazy git. Help me." I practically shout which got Kachan to actually stand up.

"Can't we just clean it up later?"

"You're so fucking dum. If we leave it everything will dry making it ten times harder to clean." Mocking his words earlier I walked over tot the sink turning the hot tap on. He groaned in annoyance before reaching towards the pan I left the bolognaise in.

Which was still hot.


Before I could warn him about the pan still being hot he reached for the handle putting his hand fully around it before he realised and quickly retracted his hand.

"Fuck!" He swore as I pulled him over to the chair on the kitchen island.

"You should know not to touch a pan on that's just been used!" Taking his hand I inspect the palm, the burn covered the top of his palm as well as the middle of his finger and they were both already going red.

"Shit that's a bad burn, where's your first aid kit?"

"Uh, top right cabinet, in the corner."

"Your top right. You know-"

Quickly walking over it I tried to reach up to it.

"I don't think you'll be able to reach-"

"Finish that sentence and I might throw that oven boiling hot pan right at you." Pulling myself on top of the cabinets I pulled it open manoeuvring so it wouldn't hit me in the face.

"You burned your left hand right." He responded with a small nod as my made my way over to him swinging the chair so we were both face to face. 'Concentrate Ayumi.'

Taking his hand I saw a glimpse of my own name on his wrist. 'Unlike mine it isn't burned, so it's just me huh'. Shacking my head I concentrate on the task at hand and used the burn cream they had, covering it up with bandages as to not agitate it later on.

"This should relax the burn a bit but when you go to school tomorrow buy some Alocane it really helps when I get something like this."

"You are the expert. I can still remember when you trie -" Before he could finish his sentence, I covered his mouth with my hand. My face flustered at the embarrassing memory.


Snickers escaped from behind my hand as he moved it away with his right hand. "But who knew you would be stupid enough to actually try doing Endeavours move." He said holding onto my wrist so he could continue speaking.

"You were all like, HELLFIRE BURN- and then you fucking burnt you hand so badly auntie had to take you too hospital."

"I blame you for that."

"Oh, shut up you were lucky that, UA nurse was there otherwise you would have had one big scar all down your arm. But to be honest it would have been one hot scar if you kept it."

'HOW CAN HE SAY THAT WITH A SMIRK ON HIS FACE." My cheeks went bright red, to avoid Kachan teasing me I moved my head to the side hiding it in my hands.

Though I felt a hand move my hands away from my face. Opening my eyes I saw Kachan other hand reach out stroking the side of my face softly. And just like that the within the room changed and I felt my heart quicken as the blood rushed to my cheeks. My mind almost completely blanked as he moved forward his eye slightly closed as he stared down at my lips. 'This can't be happening.' My own eyes drifted down and before I could realises what I was doing I moved forward as well. By now we were so close to each other I felt his nose on my face and his breath on my lips. 

His eyes closed as he brought his lips closer and closer to mine.



941 words 

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