22. Tell you

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"You did well Uraraka. That flying move move really got me worried." I say smiling at the girl. She tensed as she heard my compliment but immediately bounced back by laughing and playing with her hair.

"Hehe, thanks Ayumi. Now come on lets go check on the others." Skipping towards me she took hold of my elbow as we walked down the stairs talking about random things.

"I love your hero costume Uraraka. It really fits you." I compliment while giving a kind smile.

"I was thinking that two. But problem is it's really skintight." She replies fake tears coming from her eyes.

"Oh really."

"Yeh. There was this small purple guy that wouldn't stop ogling at me."

"Oh yeh I heard some stuff about him. Don't worry though me and Mina will make sure to give him a good beating." I said punching the air.

We laughed even more as we reached the bottom of the stairwell.

But our laughter soon halted as we saw the damage from outside the building.

"Wow. Izuku strength is so impressive." Uraraka admired as she awed at the damage that my brother did.

'He's changed.'

In the corner of my eye I could see the shadow of a stretcher being pushed by a small old lady through it was difficult to determine whoever was on it from a distance. But there were only two options.

'Izu or Kachan have hurt themselves!' Speeding towards the stretcher I quickly realised who it was by the green hair.

'Will he ever listen to me. I warned him off this happening!' Approaching the stretcher I was quick to notice the obvious damage. One of his arms had turned a dark shade of purple while the other had many scratches and soon to be bruises.

"Young Ayumi. Since your round is over I think it would be best if you stayed with young Midoriya until he wakes up." All might said staring down at the back of my head.

'This fucker!' I thought. He was a teacher, not only that but also a pro hero. He would have known this was going to happen and yet, he didn't stop the fight.

"Thank you." Staring up at him I made sure to give him a hateful stare as I walked away with recovery girl.


An hour had gone by and Izuku had still not waken me up. I was worried but with Recovery girl constant encouragement she persuaded me he was fine and would recover with only the small symptom of drowsiness. She had pestered me with a few question of the burns and I answered the truthfully. Thankfully she was yet again able to heel it but I knew it wouldn't even be a day before it was covered with another burn.

Both arms had been rapped up. The arm that was purple earlier had been put into a cast. Recovery girl told me that she couldn't heal him any more than she already did since it will take most of his stamina.

"Alright girl. Time to get back to your classes, I have a special visitor I need to talk with in private." Recovery said at her desk typing down a few things on her email.

"How long will Izuku be staying?" I ask picking up my school jacket. When Izu was being treated I was able to go back and quickly get change. I left my hero costume on my desk since I didn't know how to open the wall thing where the costumes where stored.

"He'll awake in a few hours. You'll see him before the days over." She spoke back in her nice grandma voice.

"Thanks recovery girl." Throwing on the school jacket I left the room. 'Class 1A should be close. Hopefully I won't get lost.'

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