2. Siblings

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'My wrist still feels strange,' I think to myself.



'It's like it's burning,'


"What's happening?"


"I feel dizzy."



Ayumi! Get your head out of the clouds," Mrs. Takao's sharp voice broke through my daze.

"Huh? Oh, Hai!"

"You can be so absent-minded sometimes. I honestly don't think you'll pass the UA writing exam if you continue like this."

The class turned to look at me in confusion. A student barely passing trying to get into UA? Impossible.

"You applied for UA?!"

"Though the chances of you are slim, we wish you luck getting in."

"Yes, Ayumi has applied for UA, but that's none of your business. Now let's get back to work—"

"Neither is it yours, Miss. You had no right to comment on my chances of getting in." My words hung in the air, the whole class turning back to face me. No one ever stood up to Miss Takao; she was known for her short temper and was scary when angry, so practically everyone was afraid of her.

"Ayumi, don't interrupt me. Get back to work."

"No. You're in the wrong for commenting on my capabilities. Maybe my grades aren't the greatest, but that's because you overload us with homework, leaving no time for us to revise past topics. You also rush through the material, giving us no time to truly understand it before moving on. Then you expect us all to get good grades. Aito excels because he pushes himself, but have you noticed his mental state? His eyes are bloodshot, and his bags have worsened. He's constantly drinking coffee or energy drinks, trying to keep up with you. Most people in this class no longer care, and that's why their grades aren't as good as they were last year when we had Miss Sakai."

"Miss Midoriya, if you're questioning my teaching ability, why don't you go into Mr. Nishikawa's class and tell me who teaches better? Also, at the end of the day, you'll be cleaning not only the science room but also this one. Now, get going."

"Great, a double detention," I muttered as I left the room, my bag slung over one shoulder and my book and pencil case in my arms.

"Stupid, stupid Ayumi. Now you have a 2 hours worth of detention. If only I had stayed quiet, I would have at least a little time to relax. Now, by the time I get home, I'll have to go straight to dinner then shower then bed. Ugh, which room is Mr. Nishikawa's again?"

As I navigated through the hallways I reached the room I believed Mr. Nishikawa room to be in. With a heavy sigh I pushed open the door.

"Backugo, I will ask you once again take your feet of the desk and get on with your work!" The teacher, I assumed to be Mr. Nishikawa said sternly to Kachan.

'Oh what have I gotten myself into.'

It took a moment but eventually Mr. Nishkawa noticed my presence turning in my direction as well as a few other confused students.

"And who you might you be?" He asked sound a bit pissed of by Kachan infuriating attitude.

"Midoirya Ayumi, I was sent by Mrs. Takao to attend the rest of the lesson in your classroom." I explained quietly slightly embarrassed by the amount of eyes on me.

He sighed gesturing towards an empty seat at the back of the classroom in the middle row. 'At least it at the back.' I thought wondering towards the seat.

As I walked I spotted my brother head deep in his work to distracted to notice me. A smile made it ways onto my face as I did what any older sister would do in this opportunity.

"BOO!" I shouted into his ear his body jumping backwards almost falling out his chair.

As he stared at me unassumed I laughed, oblivious of the attention of the whole class now on me and my brother.

"Can't believe you almost fell off your chair there Izu!" I snicker trying to hold back the rest of my laughter.

"The hell are you doing here!" He whispered to me with a pissed of tone.

"Didn't you hear-"

"Ayumi and Izuku Midoirya please stop interrupting my class. Mrs Midoirya get back to your seat." Mr. Nishkawa interrupted sternly.

"Shit I forgot about you." I winced scrambling away.

"Language!" He shouted, I could tell I was definitely testing his patience.

"Wait... You two have the same last name- THE USELESS DEKU SISTER IS THE HOTTEST GIRL IN SCHOOL."

'The hottest girl in school? what I would of thought that was Sakura from class C.' I though completely forgetting what else he said.

"Wait Ayumi Midoriya and Izuku Midoriya... YOU GUYS ARE SIBLINGS."

"Huh." me and Izu synchronised. 'They didn't know that. Okay this class is dumb we have the same last names.'

"They literally been at this school for almost three years, and yet you didn't know they're siblings" Kachan spoke from among the quiet and shocked classroom.

"Yeh, I mean yeh we don't look anything like each other. But still-"

"Well can you really blame us." Spoke a boy that sat next to Kachan. 'he's one of Kachan friends, what his name.'

"I don't think any of us have ever seen you two speak to each other. Do you to even walk with each other."

"Well, no not normally, Ayumi hides away at breaks and she normally has detention after school so I get home before her." Izu said. The way he said it was rather quiet that only a few heard but it also had a hint of fear in it.

"Wait so because we never spoke at school you guys just didn't think we were sibling." I said, looking around in confusion.

"I'm pretty sure no one in this school knows that you guys are siblings very few even really know that Deku's last name is Midoriya."


"Yeh u know-"

"Shut up Haru" Kachan said finally turning his head around to glare at his friend then followed by a single glance my way. His eyes locked with mine and for the first time in forever he didn't seem to be glaring at me.

"Now everyone has shut up I will be continuing with the lesson and all of you will be staying an extra 5 minutes after the bell rings"

"Wait Mr Nishikawa I have detention again after school can I leave earlier to get there so I can finish quicker."

"Well too bad you should of thought of that before you decided to interrupt my class to tease your brother."

'I hate my life'

1083 words

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