Chapter 5: Remember the Light House

Start from the beginning

"Okay what the bloody hell?!" Birdeye shouts out loud at the last part, everyone is stunned at the last part, Churchill was the leader of Task Force Albany which had all but dissolved into rogue USEC operators after getting into conflicts with cultists. "If you knew they were listening onto our coms then why the hell did not you us?!" Lancaster gets up from his seat, it falls onto is back from the speed and force at which he does drawing his sidearm aimed at right at Trickster. Everyone was taken aback by the sudden escalation, several of them placed their hands on the handles of their sidearms or prepared to sling their rifles forward. "Because they listen in on everybody! Not just us, BEAR, Raider, Scav, even russian military remnants! I didn't tell anybody because there was no point. They rarely act and usually just observe anyways." Lancaster grunts and puts his pistol back into its holster, everyone breathes a sigh of relief and calms down having avoided bloodshed for now.

"Well they're not observing now. I have a feeling they want something from us...we're USECs, maybe something about Terragroup?" Knight suggests scratching his thin. "Thats besides the point, we need to fortify this place to kingdom come and get it ready for a siege." Everyone nodded at what Texas said, who cares why they were here or what they were for, there was only one way this would go down, with blood being spilt. The commanders got to drawing up a plan, each group brought dozens of men and equipment plus whatever that was locked away the scavs didn't get to when the plant was abandoned.

They also all had specialisations, Task Force Slaughterhouse was general purpose infantry with a few SUVs as transports, Task Force Bone Flag were berserkers sent to areas where something needed to die quickly, Task Force Caeser was light infantry but had been reduced to just 30% of what they originally once were although was in possession of a stolen Russian military helicopter, QRF Manchester was when a unit needed back up, they had captured several BRDM armoured scout cars and a formerly UN BTR-82A wheeled APC, the Denver Division was similar to QRF Manchester although they were a main line mechanised infantry unit with multiple humvees having lost all their precious LAV IIIs in the contract wars. As such these specialisations played into their defence, those with the most infantry manned the front while Task Force Bone Flag and QRF Manchester would play the role of reserves that would be sent to where fighting was thickest.

By sunset the USECs had settled into the water treatment plant quite comfortably turning the place into their new home for the foreseeable future. Atop building 1, Texas could see the lighthouse, it having long ceased operations even before the tarkov conflict, technology progressed to a point it became obsolete. "Do you think we will ever get out of here?" He turns his head slightly to the approaching Lunar from behind, she uses one of her hands to shield her eyes from the glare of the setting orange sun. "No idea really..." She responds with certain uncertainty. Texas puts his hand into the pockets of his pants and pulls a pack of malboro cigarettes. The pack is battered, cardboard fraying at the corners and edges. Inside half the cigarettes were missing having been smoked already in the past.

He looked to her and extends it out a little gesturing if she wanted one. "Yea sure..." Both take one stick out and Texas returns the pack to where he had produced it from. Wanting to save lighter fuel the 2 stick their cigarettes into their mouths and lean in so that the tips were close to each other almost like they were kissing which they were given their status sort of like a pusedo kiss. Lunar used a zibbo to light the tips of their cigarettes together at the same time beginning to feel that so relaxing yet lung cancer enducing nicotine enter their bodies.

"I just hope we can go home one day, together." Texas says after exhaling a puff of smoke.

"You ever wish you didn't join USEC? Wonder how that would've gone." She shruged.

"Heh, probably we'd be married. Maybe I would've been a cop after I left the army, security guard is also a option. Could be a forest ranger though there isn't really much of that kinda think in Texas anyways-" Texas spots some men running about at the front wall, they seem to be in a panic with more USECs rushing to the front from the tents and rest spots. "-Fuck something is going on at the front, we need to get down there." A gunshot rings out from a good 300 metres away, but it impacts building 3 instead, where Instructor was. Using some binoculars Lunar views what's going on at building 3 only to see some USECs running.

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