Chapter 10

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Artemis and Her Demands (short)

Artemis was 5 weeks into her pregnancy and she still hasn't told Velon she was pregnant. However, she started having random cravings.

"I want pizza with EVERYTHING on it! No pineapple!" She demanded and Velon shrugged it off and ordered said pizza.

The next 27 minutes were spent making out heavily, plus some nice cuddling.

When it arrived, Velon laughed slightly at the pizza delivery driver's somewhat creeped-out look as he accepted the pizza and paid for it.

"Least it wasn't pineapple." Velon heard the man mumble as he walked out. With a small laugh, he shut the door and put the pizza down in front of his fiancé who eagerly opened it and ate a whole slice quickly...

Needless to say, she was soon in the bathroom throwing up everything she had just eaten. Velon just patted her back gently.

"Never again!" She said as she looked at him and he nodded before she ended up throwing up again.

She ate it again 3 weeks later...

Now we return to our regular program

Velon's eye smiled as he fell through the air while sitting crisscross Indian style. Flying through the air after an explosion was Guy who was grinning the entire time. Both glancing at each other. Eyes flashing.

Meanwhile, Grayfia was somehow elegantly smiling as she flew beside them. Big Sis is truly awesome!

Meanwhile, the father and son duo flew with Millicas hanging onto Sirzechs who was laughing his butt off. Millicas himself seemed to be enjoying himself immensely as he cheered as they soared through the air.

"You know, this isn't how I thought the reveal would-" Guy went to say something, but got hit in the head by a bowl. "Ow!" He looked at Velon who was grinning with his arm in a throwing position.

Both had challenging grins as they started throwing random things in the air that traveled with them.

Grayfia took the initiative and froze both in a block of ice. All in an instant Sirzechs casually destroyed all the things they were throwing.

'Oh, this is gonna hurt!' The two frozen teens thought as they crashed into the ground while the other three brought out their wings to stop themselves from making devil indents in the ground.

Both teens soon crawled out of the ground fine it wouldn't hurt them. The only one would might have been hurt would have been Millicas, and that's a maybe. Probably a broken arm or leg at the worst. That was pushing it.

"Well, that was fun." Velon started and his brother from another mother finished it, "Can we go again!?"

Both grinned at each other while Grayfia sighed and then turned serious and the other four turned serious as well.

"So clearly this was planned for us as the explosion went off directly below us, or more precisely you two," Velon said as he pointed at Grayfia and Sirzechs who nodded in agreement.

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