Chapter 9

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Lord Arceus, I'm sorry, but you are NOT the father of little (big) Pikachu!

Velon smiled as he woke up in his hotel room. Guy and he shared a room while the other three also shared a room.

Velon was surprisingly up first, and it wasn't even noon yet. Barley 7 am. He heard a mental purr in his mind as he awoke and could feel the spiritual Pokémon curled up around him. He sent a nice set of warm and fuzzy feelings in the bond and got up and ready.

Once he was done showering, he headed out to the breakfast area and found Grayfia, now mentally dubbed big sister by him, already there and eating.

"Velon, I see you are awake." Big Sis said as he walked up to the table she was at with a couple of plates of food. He ate a lot.

"Indeed, I don't normally wake up till way later when I don't have school either," Velon admitted sheepishly. She gave a small chuckle.

"I see. However, I want to say something to you." She said and Velon tilted his head in confusion. Was this the part where she threatened him that if he somehow harmed her little brother he'd pay?

"Thank you for helping Guy." Not expecting that! "His mother and father always favored his sister over him. Barely making time for him. Barely remembering him. Eventually, it got so bad they didn't even notice him not staying with them anymore. He has been living with us for a few years now. Only recently have they tried reconnecting with him, and he doesn't want anything to do with them." She said however after a moment she realized she had gone off her original course.

"I apologize for going off course. I wanted to thank you for being his friend. He used to be so lonely. Even when with us, the loneliness would only be temporarily suppressed, however when he met you, he was so happy. So please accept the thanks of my husband and I." Grayfia said and Velon smiled.

"I could say the same thing for myself. I only really have my pet. Then I met him, and suddenly I had a friend and dare I say, a brother." Velon said and Grayfia smiled and suddenly they heard a sniff and saw Sirzechs standing there with his plate of food crying.

"Waaaaa that was so beautiful!" He cried out and both Velon and Grayfia magically summoned a paper fan and smacked him on the head and smiled at each other.

The red-haired Maou sat down with the two and they ate in a nice quiet peace. It was about 45 minutes later that Guy came dragging himself down with a cheerful Millicas alongside him pulling him by the hand.

The guy stopped to blink as he saw Velon awake and eating. Fully dressed and showered. Guy groaned and just joined everyone after pulling a chair up for himself after pulling a chair up for Millicas.

"So what exactly are the plans for the next few days?" Velon asked once they all sat in the front area. All of them were dressed in casual clothes.

Velon had decided on a basic pair of black running shoes, white socks, beige shorts, a red Pokémon shirt, and a red Deadpool jacket.

Guy and his family were dressed in similar casual clothes. Grayfia was the closest to formal clothes that were still casual. Sirzechs was the funniest one wearing an Oppai shirt. Grayfia shoved a jacket over him with a sigh.

"First we decided to go visit some shrines. Then go and see some downtown parts. We also have a dinner reservation where a family... friend." Sirzechs said while slightly hesitant to say friend.

"I see," Velon mumbled as he realized there might be some bad blood between the two families or at least a bit of tension.

After a bit of silence, Grayfia led the family out. As they walked through town he noticed certain people giving tense stares at their group, or rather more specifically Sirzechs and Grayfia.

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