LOIGHT. 🕯️🕯️🕯️

Start from the beginning

Will felt a sense of pride bloom in his chest as he watched Kayla work, but he couldn't let the feeling distract him.

Will and Nico made eye contact and knew exactly what to do.

Nico made a B-line for the Hydra's tail while Will hung back and loaded his first arrow. He made eye contact with the Hydra, assuming his bow directly at its main head, before shifting at the last second and shooting the arrow above the Hydra rather than at it. The Hydra seemed to slow for a moment, confused as to why Will didn't try to kill it right then, but the arrow soared above the Hydra's head, completely missing, which is good because that's exactly what Will was aiming for.

The arrow, which just so happens to be a trick arrow, exploded with a bright display of colours, much like a firework.

The monster stumbled back in confusion, and Nico took this as his opportunity to jump onto its back with his running start, following its spine to help decipher which head was the middle head.

The Hydra thrashed, feeling the weight of a demigod on its back, and Will shot another arrow. This time, it was a regular arrow that lodged itself in the cheekbone of one of the outer heads. He quickly knocked another arrow and shot it again, now in the knee.

Nico was now holding onto the back of the neck attached to the central head, the monster stumbled back a few yards into a clearing, trying to get Nico to fall, but in response, he took his sword and severed the head at the base of the neck. As it fell to the ground, Nico landed on both feet and his eyes caught the movement of a figure trying to hide behind a tree.

"Who's there?" He called keeping his sword drawn, as the figure, now identified as a young camper, stumbled out, toppling over.

Across the small clearing, which was now covered in golden monster dust and blood, Will saw no sign of any more monsters, except for one... kind of.

Nico has his back turned, away from where Will was currently positioned. He was crouching, helping a younger camper stand. Will recognized them as a son of Hermes, around the age of 11. His name was James. He was new to camp this summer but didn't have any family to go home to, so much like Nico and Will, he was a year-rounder. He must've been caught in the crossfires of the fight.

He didn't look injured, just shaken up, and Nico was in the same boat apart from a small cut across his left arm he must've got while climbing the Hydra.

Behind them, the final disembodied central Hydra head was still in the process of disintegrating, but since it hadn't, it still could light fires.

Will could see the smoke coming from the Hydra's gill-like structure along its jaw and cheek as it prepared to torch his boyfriend and the young camper.

His feet felt heavy as if they were rooted into the ground. His heart sank. He didn't know what he could do.

He could yell, but they were just a little too far for that to seem feasible. He could use his supersonic whistle to disorient the Hydra, but without giving Nico or James a heads up, he could permanently damage their hearing as well. He could also use the bow to hopefully distract the Hydra so Nico could get out of there while it finished disintegrating, which would've been Will's plan A if he had any more arrows.

So it left only one option, try to get to them first.

He dropped the bow and let the quiver fall off his shoulder. He broke out into a sprint,

"Will! What are you-"

It was Kayla, "I have to try!" He said, hoping she would get the hint.

Will's feet hit the ground hard, he had never put so much effort into getting somewhere this fast.

One Shots, Two Shots And A Dead Drew.Where stories live. Discover now