"Do not speak to me that way, understand?! I don't do drugs and I'm not going to die. Believe me," his level goes from one to ten to one again, all in a span of seconds. That's how I know he is straight up lying.

"I don't believe you because you lie all the time!," I leave him. I charge into the bathroom and slam the door shut.

I kick the tile walls and let out a low pitched scream. Running away from him is becoming a cycle. I stare at myself crying in the mirror, I look like a crazy person. My eyes are red and puffy. I have wild hair, a bruise is forming on my cheek, and my purple long sleeve has bits of red that resembles blood?—not my blood?. I am suddenly flooded by the memories of what I did to that pervert. I backed myself against the grainy wall, sliding down dramatically.


I don't realize how long I'm in the bathroom until the cold tile on my skin gives me goosebumps. I'm currently laying on the floor and must have fallen asleep.My eyes adjust as soon as the door opens to Elaine peaking her head. She displays a wide grin.

Why is she smiling like that?

"It looks like someone had a nice nap," her eyes are trained on my mouth . I tilt my head and crinkle my brows. I follow here eyes and discover I subconsciously have my fingers in my mouth. I quickly pull them out. My ears heat up, wiping the salivia on my pants. Elaine 'awe' at me. I stand up with wobbly legs and come after her.

My dad is reclining in the bed and his mouth is wide open. Elaine says the nurses have increased his medication dosage and slipped in something to make him sleep. I'm grateful because it means I can avoid the awkwardness between us.

A silent cartoon show is playing on the television. it has my full attention up until I spot my backpack, I dig through it to grab a page of stickers that was given to me at the last outreach shelter. It's an under the sea themed sticker page with seashells and other creatures that live in the ocean. I'm bored and Elaine slipped away to use the bathroom.

I have an idea.

I peel off the pink octopus sticker and stick it on the back of my hand. It's good, but I need more.

Little by little, I add a sticker to every visible part on my body. I finished and it still feels like something is missing. I look around the room until my eyes fall on my dad. He will look so much better with cute sticker on. Next thing, I'm carefully putting stickers all over his face. I rub my hands and admire my work.


I rush to my seat, staring back at the tv. Elaine steps out of the bathroom and gasps. I dare not to make eye contact with her.

"What do we have here?" she says. "Precious, can you look at Grams for a second?" her voice is sweet and irresistible. I look in her direction while keeping my head facing away. She chuckles at my response. My eyes follow her movement as she makes her way in front of me. Elaine is pretty fit for an old lady. Despite her missing hand, she never deemed herself incapable or handicapped, she's just as strong and independent as everyone else. Even more.

She gently lifts my chin with her finger, capturing my masterpiece. Her green orbs are focused—permanent eye liner on her lower lids. I'm captivated by her silvery hair, wondering what color it used to be. She has a smirk on her face.

"I was bored," I confess.

"I can see that. Are there any other surprises I need to know about. Huh?". I shake my head and point in his direction. She turns around and put her hand over her mouth then slides over to him, cautiously removing the stickers.

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