
My friends and I were at the mall. My birthday was in a week, and they insisted on taking me shopping. For their gift was a shopping trip, each of them were going to spend $25 on me. Which means I get to spend $150 on myself. In case you are wondering, the 6 people in on this plan is: Summer, Kailah, Lina, Keeley, and Aimee. I didn't want Aimee to come, but my friends insisted on her coming. Well at least she has to chip in $25 for my shopping pleasures.

"So, what huge birthday party plans do you have?" Asks Summer.

"Oh, I'm having a small party this year," I reply.

"What?!" Asks everyone shocked (except Aimee, who didn't care).

"Since when has Paris ever had a small party?" Asks a shocked Kailah.

"Well, my mom said if I had a big party this year, then my 18th party wouldn't be big. I sort of wanted a big 18th birthday. Like seriously, who cares about my 17th birthday." Keeley runs up to me and puts her hand on my forehead.

"What are you doing?" I ask pulling her hand away from head.

"I'm checking a for fever," she replied seriously.

"Why? I'm totally fine."

"Well, you don't sound like yourself," Keeley explains," You always care about your birthday."

"I care about my birthday, but I want a giant party next year. Your 18th birthday is a huge milestone in anyone's life. It is the year you become an adult."

"Ok, we believe you, but you should really check out that fever," Lina jokes. I just glare at her. Sometimes I wish I could slap my friends in the face. Actually, I don't wish, I do it anyway. They are too much. As we shopped, I noticed Forever 21 with a "Help Wanted" sign on the front window. Maybe I should get a job, it would certainly help pay the bills. My shopping bills. A job didn't sound like a bad idea. I usually work in a shop during the summer, what is the difference?


Later that day, when all my friends went home. I went back to the mall and applied for the job. They interviewed me right away, and I got the job. It wasn't that hard, considering I have tons of experience working in department stores. The job paid pretty well. I was impressed with myself.


"Happy Birthday Paris!" Exclaims all my friends.

"Thanks guys," I reply joyed. I just arrived at school, and I was greeted by all my friends. I always feel special on my birthday, I don't know I guess I have that affect on people. Maybe it is because everyone loves me, or I talk about my birthday all of March and kind of force everyone to love me on this day. Ehh, the world may never know. Right before 1st period I got a surprise from a special someone.

"Hey," Kobe stops me in the hallway.

"Hey," I reply blushing. He doesn't say anything.

"Well, don't you need to tell me something?" I ask breaking the silence.

"Umm....you look lovely today?" He replies raising his eyebrow.

"Umm....well it is your favorite girl's birthday," I inform him frowning.

"It's my mom's birthday?!"

"No stupid!" I hit him in the arm," It is mine!"

"I know," Kobe replies smiling, pulling me close and kissing me.

"Happy birthday." I smile and blush.

"Hey, wait," I realize something," Aren't you still only 16?"

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