"how are you doing Faith? Do you feel anything strange?" dr.Campbell asks after going through the reports

"no I'm feeling. alright" I replied but mummy interrupted " why ? is something wrong doctor? "

" ecg is normal. but the echo shows a slight change but no need to worry ma'am. it's not alarming." dr tried to explain 

"we can control it  by stepping up a dose "he suggested further and I scrunched my nose. I already take a dozen of pills is he serious? .

"isn't there any other way? I asked but he shook his head "we will try it for a two weeks and take another echo if it's normal we can immediately stop "he gave a soft smile reassuring me.

William's pov

car ride back home was silent. Faith dozed off cradling to mummy the  whole ride. mummy is deep in thought. she get anxious a lot recently. "mummy.."  but  she continues stroking Faith's hair not hearing me. 

"mummy....." this time she looks at me " yes will ? " I can see unshed tears were glistening in her eyes "mummy it's alright.Faith is fine...look how she managed to sleep even in this short  ride" I want to lighten her mood. she smiled and pressed a kiss on her head . "she must be exhausted with all school and dozen of checkups." "but I'm scared will. what if doctor missed something.what if somethings actually wrong with her heart..what" she kept going on n on "mum...mum..they are the best in the world. besides they said they will checkup again after two weeks. you are worrying too much." I reassure her. it would be best if pa was here to comfort her.  Despite their many differences they got close because of Faith. Sometimes I think pa even loves her not only as the mother of his children

"we are here ma'am" Peter announced. we use a black tinted car for Faith's appointments because royals' health cannot be disclosed according to protocols. 

" Faith, wake up darling.. we are home " mum tried to wake her but no use im sure she's already in her dreamland. "FAITH.." I nudged her and her eyes shoot open. "Willssss....for real?" she whined pouting adorably.  I pinch her cheeks "that's what brothers are for honey.now come on we are home" mummy shook her head at me smiling. " come on hon, you can sleep in your room now we are home "

Dinner is tense as harry was present. We aren't on good terms for a while now. It's not that I hate him or something like he thinks, I don't want him to become headlines of paps magazines everyday. he doesn't act responsible for his age , always clubbing and drinking with some shitty friends of his. Faith also isn't here to lighten the mood and entertain us with her goofiness since she went to bed early. 

" Will, Harry come to my study when you are done" papa got up from the seat and left the dining room. "mummy ... I dont want pa's lectures right now" as usual harry tries to hide beside mum.

" harry no I told you I won't interfere this time. I won't help you. you keep doing the same mistakes over and over. even grandpa has talked with papa today and he was so embarrassed." with that mummy also got up and went upstairs.

"This is all because of you snob" he shot back at me with hatred filled eyes. Then he got up and left.


Faith pov

" mummy yesterday a new boy came " mummy is currently braiding my hair and yes I woke up early . I was so sweaty that I couldn't go back to sleep ,so I showered and did some homework.

now mummy wants to see me in a French braid so she's currently working on it. "yesterday? dont you only have one more month hon? " 

"yeah but he transferred here from Marlborough college last week now he's in our friend group too thanks to Dan and drew"I chuckled remembering yesterday events.

A Princess of Wales' storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن