14. Sleepover with Mr Controlling

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"You're friend was definitely drugged but we managed to pump her stomach. Does she have family that we can call?" The doctor asks me.

Shit. This whole situation is so fucked and I don't have none of Sim's family contacts.

"I've only met her brother, Vik. He works as a security guard at Ricci's Inferno." I tell her this because I'm sure the doctors can contact the nightclub and get Vik's contact information.

"I have his number," Easton says to the doctor, the angry look in his eyes never leaving. The doctor takes the number and walks away. When she's completely gone, Easton pulls me to one side. "So that's how you got in without ID? I should have fucking known."

I don't deny it. There's no point. So I manipulate the truth. "He was breaking up a fight when we entered the club."

"His sister was drugged, Bri."

I can't help but flinch at Easton's tone.

"Are you telling me her brother had no clue you would both sneak in when he turned his head?" The way he looks at me has me feeling uneasy. If I lie he'll definitely know.

So I say nothing and let him make up his own mind which isn't in Vik's favour.

     I leave him to check on Sim only to find her asleep. I can't imagine how terrible she must feel right now but there's not much I can do other than let her rest.

     Back in the waiting room Easton is tapping away at his phone when Vik walks through the double doors. I don't expect it when Easton snaps to his feet and drags him back outside.

Startled, I follow them outside where it's freezing and the only light is coming from the small bulb in front of the hospital building.

"Hey man! Take your hands off me." Vik struggles out of the hold Easton has on the back of his collar.

"You let them into the club!" Easton's eyes look almost black from his anger and Vik is clearly rethinking how to talk to him when he's this angry.

"My sister is the legal age. It's not my fault or hers that this happened and the fucker who did this to her is already on Ricci's radar."

     So they already know who the guy is?

"Right. And what about her?" Easton points a finger at me.

    Vik looks at me and then instant recognition enters his eyes. I wish I had been a better liar to save him from Easton's wrath but Easton would have found someone to blame and that person would most definitely have been me. Even though I am partly to blame but even I'm too much of a coward to deal with Easton on my own.

     I give Vik an apologetic look before he looks back at Easton. "A fight broke out man. She snuck in—"

     I scream when Easton punches Vik square in the nose. Vik doesn't even make a noise of pain before he's placing his hands over his broken nose, spilling blood all over his hands, his clothes and the floor. Easton's hand is still fisted down by his side with Vik's blood on his knuckles. He looks about ready to explode so I do the only thing I can think of and jump in between them.

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