•𝟖 | 𝒑𝒖𝒏𝒄𝒉 𝒕𝒐 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒇𝒂𝒄𝒆•

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Aryia opened her eyes. Immediately, she knew it was another vision. Another memory. There was a certain feeling that ran through her body during a vision. It was like a constant rush of adrenaline and a slight headache aching the back of her head.

Aryia was in a large room, sort of like an auditorium. Rows and rows of seats were across the whole open space, each seat filled with a person.

The lights were dimmed to almost nothing and there was a low, quiet chatter throughout the room. There was a large stage in the front of the room with dark red curtains drawn.

Aryia stood at the back, near the closed metal doors. There were two other people standing at the closed metal doors and Aryia concluded that they were security.

All of a sudden, spotlights aimed at the stage lit up with a loud sound. The low chatter around the room went silent. The dark red curtains slowly pulled back to reveal something Aryia was least expecting.

Three people dressed in red cloaks stood in the center of the stage. The middle cloaked person was holding a book in one hand and something Aryia couldn't identify in the other hand.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome." The middle cloaked person greeted, stepping forward to the edge of the stage. "Each and every one of you should have gotten an invite in the mail. I am thrilled to see everyone attended."

Aryia glanced around the room as a wave of quiet chatter rung around the room a second time. The cloaked person raised their hands to silence the crowd.

"I'll get straight to the point, shall I?" They said before clearing their throat. "My name is Winnie Borden. I usually wouldn't tell any of you my name, but this is a special case."

Aryia furrowed her brows, watching Winnie pull off her hood. Winnie was a beautiful blonde woman who had a kind face. But as Aryia stared at her, the smile she wore had something sinister behind it.

"This isn't a play. This isn't anything of the sorts. In fact, this is something far from it." Winnie raised the book in her hand. "This is a book that holds many secrets. I have been practicing some of the things in this book and am proud to say they have all came out successfully. I am also proud to say that I am more than ready to finally make an offering to my master."

The other two cloaked people on the stage stepped off the sides opposite of each other, lifting red cans from against the wall. Everyone didn't seem to notice, either staring at Winnie or looking at each other. The two cloaked people opened the can lids, pouring a liquid on the perimeter of the auditorium.

"All of you lucky people are my sacrifices." A loud wave of screams and protests filled the room. Winnie looked to a man who began to ran to one of the entrances. "Ah, I wouldn't try leaving. Each door is bolted shut, so don't waste your energy."

𝑴𝒂𝒄𝒂𝒃𝒓𝒆 𝑴𝒂𝒏𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏 Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt