"Alright. Lead the way" I say with a sarcastic bow.

His blonde friend chuckles at me and I follow both of them into Adrian's office.

We enter the office. Adrian sits by his desk I sit the one opposite him and his blonde friend just stands there.

"I'm sorry what's you name" I ask the blonde man.

"I'm Diego, Adrian's best friend." He says.

"Are you single?"I aks.
" yes"
"What's you age?"
"Do you like blondes?"
"Have you ever cheated?"
"Would you consider dating my best friend?" I ask.

"I don't know. Is she hot?" He asks.

"I can't answer that. I ain't lesbian" I say         "but if I was I would go for her" I add

"Hold up, why do you want me to date your best friend?" He asks.

"Her ex fucked her up. he cheated on her and she hasn't forgotten it. He also used to hit her, she doesn't trust anyone. Everytime a man touches her she flinches. I need someone to date her and get her trust back to dating and make sure nobody hurts her again." I say.

"I'll do it." He says which earns a shocked face from me and Adrian.

"But I haven't even shown you a picture of her" I say.

"I don't care. No woman should go through what she did. And if I see the bastard that did it to her he won't fucking last long" he says.

"How about we go on a double date tonight. That might be a bit more comfortable for her. " Adrian says.

"Ye that's a good idea. " I say. I'll phone her now.

"What's her name?" Diego says

"Nadia" I say.

"I'll go phone her now. " I say

Minutes later I walk back in.

"Ye she's in, she's on her way here now. I messaged her the address" I say.

"Great" Diego says with a smile.

"Right. What did you want to talk about?" I ask

"Well, I've found out who bombed the night of the ball. It ain't looking good, they were targeting you. " he says

"Who? Why me?" I say.

"I can't tell you" he says.

"Why not. Tell me please!!" I shout

He paused before saying "my cousins" he said.

"Fucking Olivia and Emily. The bitches. I always hated them. But why do they want me? And how did they get the bombs, you and I both know that they wouldn't be able to do it on their own" I say.

"I don't know yet. That's what I'm trying to work out. " he says.

"But why me? I've done nothing to them, ye I hate them but why" I say

"I don't know. " he says

"Is that all you know?" I ask and he nods.

"Alright, I don't mean to be rude or anything but can I use your gym, I just want to get my frustration out. And is there spare clothes I can use as well" I ask.

"Ye, you can borrow some clothes. I'll lead you to a guest room where you can change and once your ready I can show you the gym. If you don't mind, can i join you because I haven't been in the gym today yet and if were going tonight, now is my only time to" he says.

Married to the DonOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora