So Sour, So Sweet

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At first, I thought my window was open, and a light breeze hit my face. But it was actually the rhythmic exhales of the person sleeping beside me. I couldn't move. Literally could not move a single limb.

Azriel's hands wrapped around me, one falling over my chest and holding onto my shoulder, and the other snaked underneath me and held onto my side. His head rested beside mine, lips pressed to my collarbone.

And his wings... his wings stretched over the entire bed, spilling over the sides. One relaxed on top of me like a blanket, and the other fell over the other side of the bed. He was half on his stomach and half on his side, holding onto me like a child. Even his legs chained mine from moving.

I wasn't complaining, though. This was the first time I had ever actually seen the shadowsinger sleep, and it was such an interesting thing—I didn't want to ruin the moment. I would probably destroy anything that tried waking him.

His shadows moved as he slept. They slid across his body and mine like they couldn't tell who was their master. Cool darkness trailed up my neck and down my arms, tracing lines across my skin with each inhale he took. It reminded me of waves, of the breathing tide.

There was a peacefulness in watching him sleep I didn't expect to find. I couldn't help but watch him, his intoxicating beauty. In sleep, when his face was completely relaxed, he looked almost innocent. There was no other way to explain it.

It overwhelmed me how much I loved him. I would tear the world apart for him, kill any and everyone for him. It scared me what I would do for him. I wondered if he knew that—or if he felt the same. Did he?

He moved in his sleep, arms tightening around me. His wing that fell over us slid up and stopped just below my chin. His head lifted until his nose rubbed against my cheek. I closed my eyes again and took a deep—slow breath. His scent filled my lungs, filled my room. It stuck to my walls and rested on my bed. And I loved that.

My breathing calmed until it matched his. I felt our hearts beat in and out of sync, then become one. It was so hard to not fall asleep. I didn't want this moment to end. I wanted to freeze time and stay just like this until both of us were nothing but bones and ash. Until the earth reclaimed our bodies.

When I next opened my eyes, I was lying on my stomach. My arm stretched out over the other side of the bed—empty. The room was completely empty. I sat up slowly and looked around. Something sat on the edge of the bed, a thin black box. I smiled a little.

I slowly got out of the warm bed and was about to open the window when I saw a note left on top of the box.

I had a friend repair your leathers, put them on, and meet me on the roof. Rhys has permitted us to leave.

I smiled and opened the lid to find my Illyrian leathers. On the bench sat all my blades, ordered from largest to smallest. I quickly strapped everything on and zipped up the suitcase.

It didn't sound like anyone was in the house right now. Even the actual House was quiet. I climbed up the stairs two at a time to the roof. The smell of wet dirt hit me. The clouds hung heavy over the sky, and the air itself was wet. Though no rain was falling right now.

The Spymaster was standing with his back turned to me. He looked deep in thought and didn't notice me at first. His arms crossed over his leathers, wings tightly tucked behind him. His hair fell in waves, and his shadows danced at the sight of me. I stepped up to him and poked his shoulder.

His eyes snapped to look at me, and he said, "Ready?"

I raised a brow. "For what, exactly?"

"We'll winnow to the wards and fly the rest of the way."

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