"Thank you, minister." Remus held out his hand. Fudge reluctantly took it, giving it one shake before he stood up.

"Minister?" I asked as I lifted myself from the chair. I held tight on the back of the chair as I became dizzy. Remus noticed this and looped his arm around me again. "Can I ask? Why didn't you take Harry and his friends at their word?"

"No one would believe them, miss Lupin-Black. They are thirteen years old; they could lie to protect his godfather."

"But you could've taken their memories."

"They are too young. You are almost of age, so it's not dangerous to take a memory from you. Also, your teachers vouched for you. From Hogwarts and Beauxbatons. You have a clean slate." In other words, Harry and his friends got into trouble a lot over the past years. " The one that persuaded me the most was Professor Snape. He took me aside after you all came back from the castle and requested to speak to me."

I knew Remus and I both wore the same look of surprise from this development. We both didn't say anything, so Dumbledore stood up and walked with Fudge to the fireplace. They both gave a nod as they stepped in. Fudge's eyes were dull while Dumbledore's eyes sparkled.

"Let's get you back." Remus said as he turned back to me.

"Yeah." I whispered. The pounding of my head worsened. I felt my knees buckle before they gave out. Thank Droiturière that Remus had a hold on me, otherwise I would've crashed to the ground. I felt Remus pick me up before it went dark, again.

I woke up on the same bed in the hospital wing. I felt a hand around mine, and I opened my eyes and followed the arm that was attached to it. Remus was dozing off in the chair next to my bed. I smiled at him as his head lolled to the side.

"I told you to get some sleep."

"Sleep is for the weak." He said with a tired smile as he rubbed his eyes with his free hand.

"And now you're the weak one." I pointed out, squeezing his hand. I heard a laugh come from my other side, and I was surprised to see Sirius Black sitting there. Not just sitting there but freshly washed and in a set of new clothes. He had his feet propped up onto my bed as he leaned his head against his hands that were folded behind it.

"Good morning, love."

I turned back to Remus. "What is he doing here?"

" He-" Sirius started. "Wanted to make sure you were okay. And to thank you, because if it wasn't for you, he would be in Azkaban."

"I did it for Moony." I snapped at him. I leaned my head back against the pillow, closing my eyes.

"Can either of you explain the whole dad thing?" My eyes snapped open, and I turned to look at Remus wide-eyed, away from the curious Sirius Black.

"I told you... later." Remus growled at his friend.

"It is later. You said when we could talk when she woke up."

"That doesn't mean a few seconds after it happened." He rubbed his hand over his face. "Can we not do this now, Sirius. Can you give us a moment?"

Sirius looked like he was going to object, but he picked up his feet from the bed and stood up. "Fine, I'm going to see Harry."

"You do that." My voice was snippy. He looked at me with a slight scowl, not knowing why I acted like that, but he walked out of the hospital wing without another word.

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