More than friends??

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Divyanshi woke up the next morning with a warm blush coloring her cheeks. She couldn't help but replay a conversation in her mind, one that had taken place the previous evening in the lift of their apartment building. Ridhansh, had made her heart flutter with his witty banter and charming smile.

As she got ready for the day, Divyanshi couldn't shake off the pleasant sensations that the memory had left behind. Unable to resist the temptation, she decided to knock on Ridhansh's door and pay him a visit before heading out. With anticipation bubbling within her, Divyanshi raised her hand and rapped gently on his door.

To her surprise, the door swung open while Ridhansh was engrossed in a conversation on the phone. He flashed her an apologetic smile and signaled for her to come inside, gesturing that he needed a moment to finish the call. Divyanshi couldn't help but giggle at his adorable expression. She walked into the cozy living room, noticing stacks of newspapers and scattered notes on the coffee table. The room was a reflection of Ridhansh's bustling lifestyle, always engrossed in current events and stories, chasing the truth and sharing it with the world.

She took a seat in Ridhansh's living room, glancing around at the bookshelves filled with novels, the walls adorned with photographs of his journalistic endeavors, and the ever-present aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafting through the apartment. Divyanshi felt a sense of comfort and familiarity within these walls, reminding her of the strong bond she shared with Ridhansh.

While she waited, her mind wandered back to their conversation in the lift. Ridhansh had effortlessly guided their banter, making her laugh and admire his quick wit. They had shared stories of work, personal aspirations, and dreams yet to be fulfilled. Divyanshi had never been so comfortable in someone's presence before, but their connection felt natural and effortless.

Finally, Ridhansh finished his call, ending it with a quick "I'll call you back, Mom. Love you!" Divyanshi couldn't help but find that sweet gesture endearing and wondered what other sides of him she had yet to discover.

With a sheepish grin, Ridhansh turned his attention back to Divyanshi. He sat down across from her, interrupting her daydreaming. His eyes sparkled with curiosity and a touch of concern as he asked, "Everything alright, Divyanshi?"

Caught off guard, she blushed and stammered, "Oh, yes, absolutely. I just...I wanted to see your lovely face before I start my day."

Ridhansh's smile grew wider, his warmth enveloping her like a cozy blanket. "Well, I'm flattered," he replied, his voice filled with genuine affection. "I always enjoy your morning visits. It brightens up my day."

With a shy smile, Divyanshi reached over and gently grasped Ridhansh's hand. "You brighten up my days too, Ridhansh. I'm grateful to have you as a friend, and...maybe, just maybe, we could explore something more."

Ridhansh's face lit up with excitement, mirroring the butterflies dancing in Divyanshi's stomach. "I've always felt a deep connection with you, Divyanshi. Let's take that leap of faith together and see where this journey leads. With you, I'm ready to embrace the unknown."

In that moment, as their hands intertwined, two friends began a beautiful chapter of their lives. Their laughter and shared dreams echoed through Ridhansh's apartment, intertwining their stories and marking the beginning of a love they had unknowingly yearned for all

Divyanshi took a deep breath and turned to him with an excited sparkle in her eyes. "Ridhansh, I have a proposition for you," she began.

Curious, Ridhansh leaned closer, eager to hear her idea. "Alright, I'm all ears. What's on your mind?"

"Well," Divyanshi started, "it's such a lovely day, and I thought it would be nice to spend our afternoon at the local café, Aroma Haven.

Ridhansh pondered for a moment, considering Divyanshi's idea. The thought of sipping a warm cup of coffee and engaging in some light conversation was indeed tempting. "You know what? That sounds like a perfect plan. Count me in!"

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