Floating on air?

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Divyanshi walked leisurely along the lush green lawns of her apartment complex, enjoying the refreshing evening breeze. As she strolled, lost in her own thoughts, she spotted Ridhansh, jogging towards her.

He was jogging effortlessly, his chiseled form gliding through the air as if he were floating. Divyanshi couldn't help but admire his dedication and how effortlessly he maintained his handsome body.

"Hey there, Divyanshi," Ridhansh greeted cheerfully as he slowed down to match her walking pace. "Mind some company?"

Divyanshi smiled, enjoying his charismatic presence. "Not at all, Ridhansh. It's always a pleasure to have you around."

They walked side by side, savoring the cool evening breeze. Ridhansh couldn't contain his excitement as he began to rave about the dinner they had shared the previous night at a trendy restaurant nearby. It was his way of thanking her for taking care of him when he had fallen sick with a fever.

"You're just too good with your skills, Doc," Ridhansh quipped, a twinkle in his eyes. "If I were to get sick more often, I might just be tempted to make you my personal doctor."

Divyanshi blushed, her heart fluttering at the subtle flirtation. "Oh, please. It was nothing. Just fulfilling my Hippocratic Oath."

Ridhansh smirked playfully. "Well, you know what they say about love and sickness. Maybe it's a sign?"

Divyanshi rolled her eyes, but her smile betrayed her amusement. "Now you're just being ridiculous, Ridhansh."

As they discussed the dinner they had shared the previous night. Ridhansh had insisted on treating Divyanshi as a thank you for taking care of him when he had fallen ill with a severe fever. He remembered how Divyanshi had made him have soup and the take the medicine also stayed by his side for the night to check on him, despite her hectic schedule.

"You didn't have to do all that, you know," Ridhansh said gratefully, recalling her kindness.

Divyanshi chuckled, brushing a strand of hair away from her face. "Nonsense, Ridhansh. Friends take care of each other, don't they? Besides, it was the least I could do for all the times you've uncovered groundbreaking stories and kept us informed."

His eyes sparkled with gratitude. "You're too kind, Divyanshi. But I should return the favor sometime."

Divyanshi's heart skipped a beat at the idea of spending more time with Ridhansh outside of their casual exchanges. She found herself curious about what kind of connection could blossom between them. As the sun dipped below the horizon, signaling the end of their walk, they made their way back to the apartment building. The lift doors opened, and they stepped in together. The enclosed space created an intimate atmosphere, and Ridhansh couldn't help but flirt a little.

"Divyanshi, you know, taking the lift with you feels like floating on air," Ridhansh whispered, his voice laced with playfulness. Divyanshi blushed, her heart skipping a beat at Ridhansh's comment. She had always found his charm irresistible, and today was no exception. She playfully nudged him, a mischievous smile lighting up her face.

"Well, I guess that means I should take the stairs next time so you don't get used to the feeling too much," she replied, her voice filled with mock seriousness. Ridhansh chuckled, his eyes sparkling with delight.

As their floor approached, Ridhansh extended his hand and gently brushed his fingers against Divyanshi's, sending shivers down her spine. Their eyes locked, and a magnetic energy passed between them.

"Can I walk you to your door?" Ridhansh asked, his voice filled with warmth.

Divyanshi smiled, her cheeks still flushed with a mixture of excitement and anticipation. "I'd like that," she murmured.

The lift doors opened, and they stepped out onto the dimly lit corridor. The building was quiet, its residents hushed in the late hours of the evening. Ridhansh confidently guided Divyanshi towards her apartment, their footsteps falling in sync, creating a harmonious rhythm.

As they reached her door, Ridhansh hesitated for a moment, his eyes searching Divyanshi's face. "I had an amazing time having a walk with you," he said, his voice filled with sincerity. "Would you like to go on a walk again?"

Divyanshi's heart soared at the question. She had been waiting for this moment, hoping it would come sooner rather than later. "I'd love to," she replied, a gentle smile gracing her lips.

Divyanshi woke up early in the morning, feeling refreshed and excited about the day ahead. She couldn't help but smile as she remembered the pleasant evening she had spent the night before with her neighbor and friend, journalist Ridhansh. They had gone for a leisurely walk and ended up sharing stories about their childhood, dreams, and aspirations.

As she got ready for the day, she decided to wear a simple yet elegant Indian outfit for the housewarming puja at their new neighbor's house. She believed it was important to celebrate and welcome newcomers into the community. The vibrant colors and intricate design of her attire reflected her joyful spirit.

Stepping out of her apartment, she was pleasantly surprised to see Ridhansh waiting near the elevator, also dressed in traditional attire. His blue kurta and white dhoti perfectly complemented his charming personality. They exchanged warm smiles as they greeted each other. It seemed as if they had synchronized their outfits without even planning it.

"Good morning, Divyanshi. Ready for the housewarming puja?" Ridhansh asked, his eyes shining with excitement.

"Absolutely, Ridhansh. I can't wait to meet our new neighbors and be a part of their joyous occasion," Divyanshi replied, her voice filled with anticipation.

The elevator arrived, and they stepped in together. Divyanshi couldn't help but notice how comforting Ridhansh's presence was. His conversations always invigorated her and made her feel more connected to the world. As the elevator descended, they reminisced about the countless moments they had shared in this small confined space.

Ridhansh pressed the open button, and the doors slid open to reveal the vibrant and bustling ground floor. Decorative marigold garlands adorned the main entrance, filling the air with a sweet, fragrant aroma. The entire apartment complex was abuzz with people dressed in traditional attire, exchanging warm greetings and well wishes.

Divyanshi and Ridhansh made their way towards the gathering, holding a small gift for the new neighbors in their hands. The house was beautifully decorated with bright colors, twinkling lights, and intricate rangoli designs. As they approached the puja area, they spotted Mr. and Mrs. Singh, the new neighbors, who welcomed them with open arms.

Divyanshi and Ridhansh immersed themselves in the festivities, feeling the unity and warmth that flowed through the gathering. They exchanged pleasantries with old friends and struck up conversations with new acquaintances. Along the way, they discovered shared interests, inspiring stories, and had laughter-filled exchanges.

The puja began with the priest invoking prayers for peace, prosperity, and harmony. Divyanshi and Ridhansh closed their eyes, engrossed in the melodious chants that penetrated their very souls. They both silently made wishes to strengthen their bond of friendship and continue supporting each other in their respective endeavors.

As the puja concluded, all the attendees received prasad, a blessed offering from the gods. Divyanshi and Ridhansh thanked the hosts for their warm hospitality and bid farewell to the Singh family. They left the house with joy in their hearts, reflecting on the beauty of new beginnings and the significance of community.

Walking back towards the elevator, the lively conversations and laughter from the housewarming puja still echoed in their minds.

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