Scandalous relationship?

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Divyanshi stepped out of her car and closed the door behind her. It had been a long day at work, and all she wanted was to relax in the comfort of her apartment. As she walked towards the entrance of her complex, she couldn't help but overhear a conversation among a group of aunties standing nearby.It wasn't unusual for them to engage in gossip, but something about their conversation caught her attention.

It didn't take long for her to realize that the topic of discussion was none other than her and Ridhansh. The aunties wasted no time in dissecting their friendship, each word stinging Divyanshi's heart.

"Oh, have you heard about Dr. Divyanshi and that journalist Ridhansh? They've been spending so much time together lately," one aunty whispered to the others.

Curiosity getting the better of her, Divyanshi decided to eavesdrop a little longer.

"Yes, I've seen them together too," another aunty chimed in. "It's quite scandalous, don't you think? A single woman and a journalist, spending all that time alone..."

The words hit Divyanshi like a blow. Scandalous? Was her relationship with Ridhansh really so scandalous? She felt a mix of anger and sadness well up inside her. The fear of what the neighborhood might think began to consume her thoughts.

"Did you see them together again?" one auntie whispered, her voice thick with the excitement of spreading scandal. "I think she spends too much time with that Ridhansh boy!"

"Who does she think she is, parading around with a man who isn't her husband?" another auntie chimed in, her voice dripping with judgment. "What will people say? This is a respectable community!"

Divyanshi's heart sank as she listened to the aunties unleash their judgment and gossip about her and Ridhansh.

The aunties continued their tirade, their words growing more malicious with each passing moment. "I heard she stayed for a night at his apartment," one auntie speculated. "Who knows what they do?"

"They should maintain some decency," another auntie hissed, a note of disapproval tainting her voice. "She's a doctor, for god's sake! What will her patients think?"

How could these aunties be so quick to judge without knowing the truth? They had never walked a mile in her shoes, nor had they taken the time to understand the complex emotions she and Ridhansh had been grappling with.

With her mood suddenly dampened, Divyanshi walked past Ridhansh's apartment without stopping.

Divyanshi unlocked her apartment door and stepped inside, feeling the weight of a long day settling upon her shoulders. She kicked off her worn-out shoes and collapsed onto the couch, burying her face in her hands. Thoughts of the nosy aunties in her apartment complex seeped into her mind, their hurtful words echoing in her ears.

The memories of the aunties hurtful remarks sparked frustration within her, igniting a flame of indignation. She needed to clear her mind and find solace. Divyanshi decided to take a long, warm shower, hoping the water would wash away the negativity that clung to her skin.

As she stood beneath the cascading water, the steam enveloped her, creating a soothing cocoon. She closed her eyes, allowing the weight of the day to lift gradually from her shoulders. With each breath, she released the tension that had accumulated within her, finding peace in the solitude of the bathroom.

Emerging from the shower, her body felt refreshed, her spirit rekindled. But the lingering weariness took hold, and with an almost defeated sigh, Divyanshi decided to surrender to sleep instead of preparing dinner. She curled up on her bed, pulling the cozy covers up to her chin.

Next morning Divyanshi walked out of the lift and into the bustling lobby of her apartment complex. She had just finished her early morning workout, and her mind was filled with thoughts of the busy day ahead. As she made her way towards the exit, she spotted Ridhansh,engaged in a conversation with someone. Ridhansh caught sight of her and greeted her with a warm smile.

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