Icecream date

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Divyanshi stepped out of her apartment, dressed in a crisp sky blue shirt and black pants that matched perfectly with her shoes. She glanced at herself in the mirror one last time, satisfied with her appearance. It was another busy day at the hospital, and she needed to be ready for anything that could come her way.

As she locked her apartment door, Divyanshi noticed Ridhansh, standing near the entrance of the building. Ridhansh was dressed in a dark blue shirt, which accentuated his broad shoulders, and black pants paired with a sleek watch. His charismatic smile greeted Divyanshi as she approached.

"Good morning, Divyanshi," he said warmly. "Off to work at the hospital, I presume?"

Divyanshi nodded in response, a hint of weariness crossing her face. "Yes, another day in the service of the patients. How about you? What brings you outside so early?"

Ridhansh sighed, a hint of frustration in his voice. "I'm afraid my car won't start today. Just my luck! I have to make it to an important meeting."

Divyanshi studied Ridhansh for a moment, contemplating an idea. "Would you like a ride? I can drop you off on my way to the hospital."

Ridhansh hesitated momentarily before shaking his head. "No, no, it's alright. I couldn't possibly inconvenience you."

Divyanshi smiled, determined. "It's no inconvenience at all. We're friends and neighbors, after all. Come on, it's the least I can do."

Finally persuaded, Ridhansh sighed with relief. "Alright, you win. Thank you, Divyanshi. I owe you one."

The duo made their way towards Divyanshi's car, a comfortable ride waiting to take them to their respective destinations. As they sat inside, Ridhansh couldn't help but admire the cleanliness and efficiency of Divyanshi's vehicle.

"I must say, Divyanshi, your car is always spotless," Ridhansh remarked, looking around. "You keep it in perfect condition."

Divyanshi chuckled. "Well, it's not just my car—cleanliness is something I value in all aspects of my life. It brings peace and order amidst the chaos."

Ridhansh nodded approvingly. "That's a good philosophy. I must admit, I can get a bit disorganized at times."

As the car glided through the city streets, Divyanshi and Ridhansh engaged in small talk, catching up on their lives and sharing stories. Divyanshi occasionally glanced at Ridhansh, appreciating his genuine interest in listening to her.

Soon enough, they arrived at Ridhansh's destination, a bustling news corporation in the heart of the city. As Ridhansh prepared to leave the car, he turned to Divyanshi with gratitude in his eyes.

"Thank you, Divyanshi. You saved the day for me," he said sincerely, grasping her hand in his for a moment. "I owe you one."

Divyanshi smiled warmly, her eyes filled with contentment. "No need to repay me, Ridhansh. Friends help each other out.

As Dr. Divyanshi drove through the busy streets, the setting sun cast an orange glow across the city. Exhausted from a long day of treating patients, she looked forward to a relaxing evening at home. Her thoughts briefly wandered to Ridhansh, whose car had unexpectedly broken down earlier that day. Remembering that she had promised to pick him up after work, she decided to give him a call.

Ridhansh was pleasantly surprised to hear Divyanshi's voice on the phone. He had assumed that she would be too tired to bother with picking him up, especially considering her demanding schedule at the hospital. "I appreciate the thought, Divyanshi, but I can easily book a cab. Don't worry about it," he said.

But Divyanshi was not one to renege on her promises. "Nonsense! I'm already on my way. Consider it a chance to repay the favor for all the times you've helped me out," she insisted, her voice filled with determination.

Feeling touched by her kindness, Ridhansh gratefully accepted the offer. They chatted amiably over the phone as Divyanshi made her way toward his workplace

Divyanshi pulled up outside Ridhansh's office, she spotted him waiting by the entrance. He wore a cheerful smile, appreciative of her gesture. They greeted each other warmly, exchanging pleasantries before climbing into the car.

With the evening breeze brushing against their faces, they embarked on a leisurely drive through the city. Amidst the laughter, the weariness of the day gradually melted away, replaced by a sense of comfort and joy.

As they drove past an ice cream parlor, Ridhansh's eyes twinkled mischievously. "You know, Divyanshi, I could use a little sweet treat to end this wonderful day. Care to join me?"

Dr. Divyanshi chuckled, realizing that a little indulgence wouldn't hurt. "Why not? Let's make this day even sweeter," she replied, her eyes lit up with anticipation.

They parked the car and entered the bustling parlor, the aroma of freshly churned ice cream enveloping them. Ridhansh insisted on treating Divyanshi to a sundae, playfully claiming that it was the least he could do to thank her for rescuing him earlier.

As they sat at a cozy corner table, savoring their ice creams. Amidst the delightful conversation, a tiny scoop of ice cream found its way to Divyanshi's nose. Oblivious to the ice cream's misadventure, she continued sharing anecdotes with him. Unbeknownst to her, Ridhansh noticed the little ice cream mishap and found it endearing.

Unable to hold back a chuckle, Ridhansh pointed at Divyanshi's nose. She arched an eyebrow, puzzled by his sudden laughter. "What's so funny?" she asked, a hint of confusion in her voice. Ridhansh simply pointed at her nose, his eyes sparkling with amusement.

Slightly perplexed, Divyanshi touched her nose and felt the sticky substance. Realizing what had happened, she immediately reached for a napkin and wiped her nose clean. A faint blush colored her cheeks as she fumbled, embarrassed by her oversight.

Seeing Divyanshi's adorable reaction, Ridhansh couldn't help but laugh a little more. "You're too cute!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with genuine affection. Divyanshi's blush deepened, but her lips curled into a shy smile. She was touched by Ridhansh's candid compliment.

As the evening drew to a close, they returned to the car, contented smiles on their faces. The drive back home was accompanied by a comfortable silence, both lost in their own thoughts, grateful for the bond they shared.

As Divyanshi stopped the car at their apartment complex, Ridhansh turned to her, his eyes filled with gratitude. "Thank you, Divyanshi. Today has been a reminder of how lucky I am to have you as a friend. You always go above and beyond for the people

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