Little hero

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Divyanshi had just finished an exhausting day at the hospital. All she wanted was to get home, relax, and put her feet up. However, fate had other plans for her. As she approached the elevator, she noticed a hand-written note taped to the door - "Out of Order." Sighing in disappointment, she knew she had no choice but to take the stairs.

As she made her way down, her phone rang, and in her distraction, her foot slipped on the slick marble steps. The sudden twist caused a sharp pain to shoot up her leg, She cried out and immediately crumbled onto the steps, unable to bear the weight on her injured limb and she found herself sitting helplessly on the stairs, clutching her injured limb. A sharp pain to shoot up her body.

Suddenly, a small figure appeared at the top of the stairs. It was her little neighbor, Aarav, a curious and kind-hearted boy of ten. Alarmed by Divyanshi's distress, he rushed down to assist her. Eventually, he reached her side, his concerned eyes filled with worry.

"Are you okay, Divi?" Aarav asked, placing a gentle hand on her trembling shoulder.

Painstakingly, Dr. Divyanshi managed to nod, her face contorted with discomfort. "I twisted my leg, Aarav, and I can't move. I need help getting back to my apartment."

Aarav tried to help her stand, but he was small and lacked the strength required to lift her. Fearful that something might worsen her condition, he pondered calling for help.

Just when things seemed hopeless, fate intervened once again. Ridhansh, happened to be passing by the stairwell entrance as Aarav struggled to lift her. Although engrossed in a phone conversation, Ridhansh's instincts kicked in as he caught sight of the distressed doctor.

Hastily approaching the whimpering Divyanshi, Ridhansh knelt beside her. "What happened? Are you alright?" he asked in concern, carefully helping her to a standing position.

Divyanshi winced in pain as she leaned on Ridhansh. "I twisted my leg," she explained, her voice strained. "I don't think I can make it back to my apartment on my own."

Ridhansh swiftly scooped Divyanshi up into his arms, her small frame feeling surprisingly light. He carried her with ease up to her apartment, his strong arms providing the support she desperately needed. Once inside, he gently laid her down on the couch, concerned eyes studying her twisted leg

As Divyanshi lay there, her leg throbbing in pain, she couldn't help but feel a wave of gratitude wash over her. Though the elevator had failed her, it had inadvertently brought together the kindness of a young neighbor and the unwavering support of Ridhansh.

Divyanshi's pain started to subside. Ridhansh tenderly laid her down on the couch and quickly fetched ice packs and pain medication. With calm confidence, he administered the necessary care, placing the ice pack gently on Divyanshi's swollen ankle.

As Ridhansh tended to her, Divyanshi couldn't help but admire his kindness and resourcefulness. She realized how lucky she was to have such a caring neighbor and friend like him.

"You didn't have to cut your important call for me, Ridhansh," Divyanshi said, gratitude filling her voice.

Ridhansh smiled warmly, brushing aside the appreciation. "Divyanshi, you have always been there for me and everyone in our community, helping and healing others. It's the least I could do for you."

As Divyanshi reclined on the couch, Ridhansh fetched her some tea, carefully setting it down on the table beside her. He then took a seat next to her, a concerned expression on his young face.

Divyanshi smiled warmly at the boy who had been so brave and caring. "Thank you for coming to my rescue, Aarav. You were very brave."

Aarav blushed and shifted uncomfortably in his seat. "It was nothing, really. I just wanted to help."

Divyanshi reached out and ruffled Aryan's hair affectionately. "Well, you did more than just help, Aarav. You became my hero today." Aarav's eyes widened in surprise, his cheeks turning an even brighter shade of red.

Grateful for the help, Ridhansh smiled at Aarav.

"Come, little hero," Ridhansh said, extending his hand. "I will drop you off at your house now."

Aarav's face lit up with excitement as he grasped Ridhansh's hand tightly. Together, they walked towards Aarav's apartment, chatting about the neighborhood and their shared interests of games on the way.

Once they arrived, Ridhansh bid farewell to Aarav, reminding him to take care of himself. Aarav nodded eagerly and thanked Ridhansh for dropping him back.

With a wave, Ridhansh turned around and headed back to Divyanshi's house. As he entered her apartment, he found her sitting by the sofa, leaning on it. Seeing Ridhansh, Divyanshi smiled, grateful for his presence.

"Thank you for coming back," Divyanshi said, her voice filled with warmth. "Could you please help me to my bedroom? I need to change."

Ridhansh nodded, moving closer to gently support Divyanshi. With slow and careful steps, they made their way through the living room, Divyanshi leaning on Ridhansh for support.

In Divyanshi's bedroom, Ridhansh helped her settle down on the bed, allowing her privacy as she changed. While she prepared herself, Ridhansh took a moment to observe the room.

The walls were adorned with medical certificates and pictures of Divyanshi's accomplishments as a doctor. The room had a peaceful ambiance, surrounded by the scent of lavender from the candles that sat on the bedside table.

Divyanshi emerged from the ensuite bathroom, now dressed in comfortable loungewear. She looked at Ridhansh with gratitude shining in her eyes.

"You've been my savior today," she said, her voice filled with gratitude. "I don't know what I would have done without you and Aarav. You both are true angels."

Ridhansh shook his head modestly, dismissing the praise. "It was my pleasure to help," he replied sincerely. "You too look out for me and friends help eachother right?"

Divyanshi smiled, understanding the deeper meaning behind his words. In that moment, their friendship grew stronger, bound by kindness and empathy.

Ridhansh insisted on cooking for her. Divyanshi was taken aback by his unexpected offer. "Oh, don't worry about me," she reassured him. "I can easily order something online."

But Ridhansh wasn’t one to back down easily. "Come on, Divyanshi, let me cook for you. I promise it'll be delicious," he pleaded, his eyes twinkling with enthusiasm.

Divyanshi hesitated, realizing that having home-cooked food might be a welcome change from the usual takeout. Reluctantly, she agreed, and Ridhansh headed straight to his kitchen with a smile on his face.

While Ridhansh got busy in the kitchen, Divyanshi watched him with curiosity. She was amazed to see his calm and confident demeanor as he effortlessly moved between the stove and the sink, chopping vegetables and adding spices with precision.

Before long, the aroma of Indian spices filled the air, and Divyanshi's anticipation grew. Ridhansh had prepared a simple feast of dal, fragrant basmati rice, and aloo gobi - a classic Indian cauliflower and potato dish. Divyanshi sat at the dining table, admiring the spread and feeling a warm sense of comfort enveloping her.

As they enjoyed the meal Divyanshi couldn't help but compliment Ridhansh's cooking skills. "I had no idea you were such a talented chef, Ridhansh," she remarked, savoring every mouthful. "Living alone has its perks," he replied with a grin.

Over dinner, Ridhansh shared stories of his travel adventures and encounters with interesting people during his journalistic pursuits. Divyanshi laughed and listened attentively, forgetting about her work-related stress for a while.

In that cozy dining room, Ridhansh and Divyanshi savored not just the delicious food, but also the friendship they shared. It was a moment of respite from their busy lives, a moment to cherish. They both realized that sometimes it takes an unforeseen event, like an accident, to bring people closer and appreciate the little things that make life beautiful.

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