Divyanshi's care

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Divyanshi had always been a kind and considerate neighbor. Living next door to Ridhansh Kapoor,They often exchanged greetings and small talk, but lately, Ridhansh had become somewhat of a mystery. He seemed to have vanished without a trace. she would often see him working late into the night, but lately, he had become a rare sight. It had been days since she spotted him, and curiosity got the better of her. Worried, she decided to pay him a visit.

Divyanshi had just returned home after a particularly long day at the hospital. Exhausted, she couldn't help but wonder about Ridhansh. As a doctor, her instinct to care for others kicked in, and she decided to pay him a visit.

With a concerned look on her face, Dr. Sharma approached Ridhansh's front door. She knocked gently, unsure of what to expect. To her surprise, there was no answer. She hesitated for a moment, contemplating what to do next.

Concerned for his well-being, divyanshi decided to try the door. It was unlocked, allowing her to step inside. As she walked into the apartment, the silence became overwhelming. She called out for Ridhansh, but still, no response came.

Divyanshi searched the apartment, room by room, until she finally found Ridhansh lying on his bed. He appeared pale, his forehead covered in a thin layer of sweat. It was clear that he was unwell. Without hesitation, Dr. Sharma sprang into action.

She hurried to the kitchen, gathering supplies to help combat Ridhansh's fever. With a damp cloth in hand, she pressed it gently against his forehead, providing some relief from the intense heat. She rushed to his side and gently pressed a cold compress against his forehead, her touch bringing a soothing relief to his warm skin.

Ridhansh's eyes fluttered open, his voice barely audible as he murmured in his sleep. Divyanshi smiled softly and whispered, "I'm here, Ridhansh. Just rest, everything will be alright." She continued to hold the compress against his forehead, her fingers gently caressing his temple, soothing him into a more peaceful slumber.

Hours passed, and Ridhansh eventually stirred from his deep sleep. His eyes flickered open to find Divyanshi still diligently tending to him. He was touched by her unwavering dedication and silently appreciated her presence. He managed a weak smile and tried to speak, but his throat felt dry and hoarse.

Divyanshi noticed his struggle and spoke gently, "Are you hungry, Ridhansh? Maybe some soup would do you good."

Ridhansh shook his head weakly, a small gesture of refusal. He wasn't hungry, but he appreciated her concern. Divyanshi persisted, insisting that it would help him regain his strength. She disappeared into the kitchen, returning shortly with a steaming bowl of soup and a glass of water.

With a dominating tone in her voice, Divyanshi placed the tray on a small table next to the bed and commanded, "You need to eat, Ridhansh. It's important to get some nutrients in your system." Her eyes reflected her worry and caring nature, guiding him to follow her instructions.

Reluctantly, Ridhansh nodded, silently acknowledging Divyanshi's concerns. He struggled to sit up, his body weak and trembling. Divyanshi supported him, easing his weight onto the pillows.

Slowly, Divyanshi fed him spoonfuls of soup, making sure he took small sips of water in between. Ridhansh allowed her to take charge, finding comfort in her nurturing presence. Her caring gesture brought him solace, erasing the discomfort of his illness even for a fleeting moment.

After finishing his soup, Ridhansh reached for the glass of water on the bedside table and took his medicine obediently. Divyanshi breathed a sigh of relief. She knew that he needed his rest, but a nagging worry still lingered in her heart.

As Ridhansh settled back into bed, Divyanshi gently pulled the blanket up to his chin, tucking him in. "Sleep, Ridhansh," she whispered, her voice filled with tenderness. "You will feel better soon."

Ridhansh's eyes slowly closed, his breathing gradually steadying. Divyanshi sat beside him, her hand caressing his forehead. She stayed there, keeping watch over him through the night, her presence a comforting beacon amidst the storm of his illness.

Ridhansh slowly opened his eyes, feeling groggy, yet strangely comforted. He looked around his room and spotted Divyanshi sleeping uncomfortably on a chair next to his bed. Her face, illuminated by the morning sunlight, exuded a serene and selfless calmness.

Ridhansh couldn't help but admire the care and dedication she had shown him throughout the night. He felt a deep sense of gratitude towards her, realizing the kindness and sacrifice she had demonstrated for a mere neighbor.

Gently, Ridhansh reached out to brush away a strand of hair that had fallen across Divyanshi's eyes. As his fingers hovered above her face, she stirred awake. Confusion momentarily clouded her eyes, but when she realized Ridhansh was awake, she sat up straight, her expression mirroring concern.

"I'm sorry, Ridhansh. I must have dozed off. How are you feeling?" Divyanshi asked, her voice filled with genuine worry.

Ridhansh smiled warmly, touched by her selflessness and humility. "You don't need to apologize, Divyanshi. If anything, I should be the one expressing my gratitude. You stayed by my side all night, looking after me with such care. I don't know how to thank you enough."

Divyanshi blushed, her eyes brimming with a mixture of relief and happiness. "It's my duty, Ridhansh. As a doctor, it is my responsibility to ensure the well-being of those around me. I'm just glad you're feeling better."

Ridhansh nodded, his admiration for her growing stronger. "You truly are an incredible person, Divyanshi. Not only are you an exceptional doctor, but your kindness and selflessness go beyond the call of duty. I feel privileged to have you as a neighbor and friend."

Divyanshi's smile widened, her cheeks turning a shade of pink. "Thank you, Ridhansh. Your words mean a lot to me. It's moments like these that remind me why I chose this profession. Seeing my patients recover and knowing that I've made a difference in their lives is the ultimate reward."

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