Episode 10: Out Cold Part 2

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"Well, saying your given name feels right, you know," Deku explains.

Uraraka blushes a little bit. "W-well, I'm glad." "Guess when Deku's really sick, he speaks his mind."

"Oh, I know why it feels so right," Deku says.

"Oh yeah, and why's that," she asks.

"It's because I'm in love with you."

And in this moment, Uraraka was frozen stiff.


"Wait, what!?" 

"I was really worried about you, ocha."


"After your coma I was overjoyed, you were ok then it hit me I Izuku Midoriya love ochaco Uraraka." 

At this point Uraraka just stares into the abyss.

"Am I dreaming that's it right! there's no way the amazing Deku is just pouring his heart to me right now!"

"Man, my heart won't stop racing I almost forgot I'm supposed to be taking care of him right now."

The day passes by very slowly for Uraraka, but as she finishes her dinner, she heads to see how Deku's doing.

"Hey D-Deku how's its hanging?" "Ugh really ochaco I need to keep it together! at least until he's better but anytime I see him my mind goes numb."

"I'm doing better i think ugh now I have a headache sorry if i was weird to handle my mom always told me i acted off when I was sick." 

"Wait so he's better? does he still remember what he said?"  "that's good to hear, anyway so any chance you remember what you said to me a few hours ago?" Uraraka said with a pleading look in her eyes.

"Sorry I kind of forget everything when I'm like that." he admitted.

Her heart sank "so anything you said might have been a lie?" she asks with disappointment.

"Well i wouldn't say that maybe could you remind me what i said?" he asked.


"that's weird what could I hav-- oh no! oh this is bad so very bad! I might have let it slip that I got my quirk form all might! but what's with that reaction I feel like i could trust her with that secret so why run away from me?" 

Then Uraraka runs in



"I want you to start calling me ochaco from now on!" Ochaco yells out.

"Huh? oh okay if that's what you want och-ochaco" Deku says.

"W-Well that's all bye now!" she runs off again.

"I have no idea what that was about but, I'm weirdly happy about it" Deku says with a grin.

Then it clicks in his head, he realized what he actually said to her.

"Oh no its not about my quirk it's so much worse, I-I told her I loved her..." Deku then starts to panic, he ruffles his hair and freaks out. "This is bad I only thought those things cause of what happened at the time! sure I don't think I don't love her, actually it's much more likely i do love her, oh god I totally told her how I feel! Why else would she react like that! but she asks me to call her by her given name maybe I have a chance?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2023 ⏰

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