Episode 7:Back to Square One Part 2

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"Damn it! where did he go!" Bakugo shouts, still looking for the runaway.

"Hold on, I got a message from Midoriya," Todoroki explains.

"What did he say? *Ribbit.*"

"It seems he found our guy. I got a pair of coordinates."

"Damn, Deku! He thinks he can beat me to it, huh I'll show him! Come on, icy hot."

"Froppy, me and Bakugo will follow Midoriya's message; you let Ryukyu know where we're heading," Todoroki says.

"I'm on it!" Asui then calls on the radio to report back while Todoroki and Bakugo chase after Midoriya. 


"So Uraraka, I've noticed you changed your hero costume," Deku says while the elevator goes down.

"Yeah! When we had the training with class b, I had the idea to put these wires in from your new move," she explained. 

"Awesome! that will Definity help us out!" Deku starts to ask about other details of her new costume, and soon they fill that wait time with small talk, and soon the doors open.

They take a look and see a full-on lab with chemicals and machines everywhere, and some are turned on while others look still look half built. 

"There's no one here?" Deku questions.  he then lightens his fighting stance.

"Still, don't drop your guard. He could be waiting for us." Uraraka says.

"Right!" Deku stiffens up. And soon, they hear a voice.

"I'll admit I'm impressed I didn't think someone would find this place more or less be able to tail me," the voice echoes across the Lab.

Then a device is thrown at Deku.

"Deku, look out!" Uraraka tries to warn Deku, but at the last second, he uses one for all to dodge and zoom right at the target.

"Oh, so close, but unfortunately for you, you can't see me!" the man gloats.

The man then shoots some light energy from a gun right at Uraraka. 

"Uravity, look out!" Deku shouts.

"On it" she uses zero gravity on the nearby table to shield herself.

"Well, look at the power couple. Good for you, but I've had it up to here with you wrecking my shop. I'll say time to send you away." the man powers up one of the devices.

"Not if I can help it!" Deku throws himself to it and uses a smash. "Smash!" the machine blows up, and pieces of it fly in all directions.

"Ahh!" Uraraka shouts.

Deku panics, and his head shifts to the right.

"Uraraka! what happened?" Deku lowers his guard, and now his focus is on checking on Uraraka.

"I think I'm fine, but those pieces went right through me. I'm fine, just a slight head pain! Look out!"

"Oh no! I lowered my guard. He had another one!"

while the two were distracted, the man fired up another machine. White energy gathered and started to trap Deku inside.

"Hold on! I'll save you!" Uraraka uses her wires to pull Deku closer, but the energy is stronger and only pulls her closer.

"Uraraka, please leave! I-I can find a way out of this," Deku panics trying not to get Uraraka in the same mess as him. 

BOOM! a blast is heard from the ceiling, and Todoroki and Bakugo fall from it.

"What the hell is this!" Bakugo yells out. 

"don't worry, we can get you guys free," Todoroki starts to say, but it's too late as the portal shoots out a blinding light, as it disappears along with Deku and Uraraka. 

Shock is seen on their faces. While that happens, the invisible man stays silent. 

"This is fine. As soon as they leave, I need to change bases anyway defiantly can't stay here!"

Later that day, at the Ryukyu agency

"What do you mean they disappeared?!" Ryukyu is in shock.

"We couldn't believe it either, but that villain is much more dangerous than we thought if his tech can make people just disappear," Todoroki explains.

"They can't be gone. Maybe they were just teleported somewhere, right?" Nejire suggests hoping not to go to the worst-case scenario. 

"That's true. He might just have a teleportation quirk *ribbit*," Asui says.

"Well, whatever the case, we must let their parents and the school know we will make finding them a top priority!" Ryukyu says.

"I already briefed my old man on what happened. He wants Bakugo and me back asap."

"Speaking of Bakugo, he's been unusually silent since we got back," Asui mentions. 

"Hmpf!" Bakugo shoots them a look before leaving. 

"Be careful on your way back, you two," Ryukyu says, seeing them off.

The walk home.

"That damn nerd, what is he thinking!" 

"Do you think those two are alive?" Todoroki asks.

"No way something like that killed Deku. When he gets back, I'm going to kick his ass for slacking off during a fight!" 

"I hope you're right, and they're ok wherever they are." Todoroki comments. 

To be continued...

Next: Missing 

Everyone else learns about Deku and Uraraka's disappearance. We also learn more about that mysterious man who trapped them there!

Note: sorry for the short chapter. I'm kind of bad at writing fight scenes; I hope you enjoyed! the next chapter will be pretty story heavy, so look forward to that!

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