Episode 9: Out Cold

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Doctor's Office 4:50 pm: Uraraka arrived after work to get a checkup because of how bad her headaches have gotten.

"So, how long would you say the headaches have been going on?" The doctor asked Uraraka. 

"About four months now, I think," She replied.

"Your condition sounds concerning. I recommend scheduling an MRI to look into what is causing them and what causes you to pass out each time."

"Thank you, doctor; I'll be on my way now."

"This sucks, I hate lying to Deku, but I don't want him worrying over nothing. I'm sure this scan will just show I'm stressed. That's all. It's a new world with no way home. That's all this is."

"I'm home!" Uraraka announces.

However, when she enters the door, Deku greets her with a slightly annoyed glare.

"Uraraka, where were you?" Deku asks with an accusing tone.

"Sorry work ran a little late, but I'm here now; what's with that look?" she asked him.

"Uraraka, please stop lying,"

"W-Whats that's supposed to mean?" 

"I know you have lied to me since your coma. You have been acting off."

"F-Fine, I admit it. The headaches are way worse than I've let on," she admits, and she can see his face go from annoyed to worried instantly.

"H-How much worse," he asks.

"I was at the doctor's today they want to take an MRI. im sure the headaches are just stress; I didn't want you to worry," she explains.

"You were in a coma! That can't be all this is!" Deku starts to yell.

Now, Uraraka starts to cry.

"Uraraka? I'm sorry, I didn't mean-" Deku starts to say but gets cut off.

"I-Its Not that I-Im Just scared. ive been hiding this because I just want to tell myself it's no big deal, But I'm s-scared." Uraraka puts her arms around her face to not show how much pain She's in.

Then Deku wraps his arms around her.

"Uraraka, when you were in a coma, I was terrified, so please come to me for anything. I can promise you right now I'll be more worried not knowing what's going on with you," Deku says while wiping some of her tears away.

"Thanks, Izuku; I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner."

"Don't worry about it; how about I accompany you to your next appointment," Deku suggests.

"Y-Yeah, I'd like that." She responds with a bittersweet smile.

The Next day

Uraraka wakes up bright and early and heads over to Deku's futon after a few hours pass.

"Hey, Deku? It's almost 11," she tries to get him to budge but with no avail. "that's Odd. He rarely sleeps past 8, hey dek-" he then flips over, and she sees a bright red face. "Deku! are you ok!"

Deku then woke up from the yelling, but barely.

"mmf," all Deku let out was grunts and coughs.

"Is he sick? Hold on, Deku, I'll take your temperature!" she yells while rushing to the bathroom. 

She grabs the thermometer and sticks it in his mouth.

"38.8, that's a pretty high fever." Don't worry, Deku, I'll take care of you.

Deku then starts to open his eyes and begins to speak.

"w-where am I?" he asks. 

"Deku, you pretty sick. I'll make sure you are taken care of now. Let's get you into my bed. It's much comfier." She lets his arm rest on her shoulder as she takes him to bed.

*Ring* *Ring*

Uraraka's Phone starts to ring, and the caller ID shows the name Mina. 

"Hello, Mina."

"Hey, Ochaco. What's your day looking like? Wanna hang out?"

"Sorry, Cant today Deku's pretty sick, so I'll be looking after him today."

"Oh, that's too bad. Tell him I said get well soon, okay."  

"I will. Thanks for understanding." 

"No problem. Lucky Midoriya getting his pretty girlfriend to look after him."

That comment made Uraraka hang up right away.

"Geez, she really exactly like Mina from back home, now my face is all red.

Some time passes, and Uraraka is doing all she can to care for Deku.

"Hey, Deku, I made you some soup." 

"Awesome, you're the best," Deku says with a delighted grin. 

"Man, anyone tells you you're really silly when you're sick?" she responded. 

"But you are the best, Ochaco!" Deku yells with excitement. 

"hmm!" Uraraka starts to cough. "Sorry, I didn't expect you to say my given name."

"Why? That's your name, isn't it? Now you're being silly." Deku starts to laugh.

"Don't get me wrong, I don't mind. It's just when you are healthy; you always have a hard time saying given names, even when people ask you to like with Tsuyu.

"Oh right, I did do that. Well, saying your given name feels right, you know," Deku explains.

Uraraka blushes a little bit. "W-well, I'm glad." "Guess when Deku's really sick, he speaks his mind."

"Oh, I know why it feels so right," Deku says.

"Oh yeah, and why's that," she asks.

"It's because I'm in love with you."

And in this moment, Uraraka was frozen stiff.


To Be Continued...

Next: Out Cold Part 2

A day after Deku's surprising confession, Urararka catches Deku's fever, and this time, Deku must return the favor.

Sorry It took forever for me to write until recently. I've lost the motivation to write, but im back now, and hopefully, it won't take as long for the next chapter.

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