Episode 4: The Misunderstanding

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"Ok, I promise." 

"Thank you. This means a lot to me," she softly smiles back at him.

Then the doctor walks in.

"Ok! you are all set. Just meet back in a week to get those stitches out."

"Stitches?" Uraraka questions.

Deku then lifts the blanket and shows his stomach, where there is a line of stitches.

Uraraka winces in shock as she turns her head away and back to look at him.

"doesn't it hurt?"

"It used to, but I promise I'm fine now," Deku says.

"Dude, are you ok!" Kaminari yells as he runs into the room with Sojiro and Mina behind him.

"Yeah, I'm getting discharged now," Deku says.

"Phew! I was worried, man! Well, take your time recovering. Don't come back to work until your better ok!" he says with a thumbs up.

"I should be fine once the stitches are out," Deku explains

"Hey boss, is it ok if I take off work too? I need to be there for Deku," Uraraka asks.

"I think I can allow that. Just make up for it when you return," Sojiro replies.

The Next Day.

Deku is relaxing on the couch and watching TV. The doctors told him to avoid moving around too much. Uraraka comes in from their room and plops down next to him.

"Hey Uraraka, you don't have to take off work to look after me. I'm fine here by myself."

"After yesterday, I don't trust you by yourself," she shoots him a glare.

Deku looks down in guilt "ok, you win." 

She smiles "oh, cheer up, I was joking! So, what are we watching!" 

"Oh, I just turned the tv on. I think it's called SpyxFamily.

"That name sound familiar I think a customer was talking about it during one of my shifts," Uraraka says.

"Looks like some Tv shows are still the same in both worlds. I'm pretty sure I've seen billboards of it when I was on patrol."

"Huh, I guess it came out recently, then?" Uraraka responds.

They proceeded to watch the first two episodes.

"That was interesting. Want to watch some more?" Deku asks.

"Of course! This is really good. I could watch this whole series right now!" Uraraka was really getting into the show so much that she forgot to eat, and her stomach made a noise.

"Have you eaten anything today?" Deku asks.

"No, not really," she says sheepishly while pressing her pointer fingers against each other.

"Do you want to go out?" Deku asks.

"But the doctor said you can't move around. It would be best if you didn't walk around the city," Uraraka protests.

"We still have the wheelchair," Deku reminds her.

"Oh yeah, I forgot! I guess we can go out. Do you have a place in mind?" she asks.

"Not really. We could give Kaminari a visit by eating at his place."

"That's probably for the best. His place is close by; too bad my quirk is gone. It will take me a bit to push you all the way." 

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