Episode 3: Let's Make A Promise

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Soon after Mina called for help, ambulances arrived within minutes, carrying Deku onto a stretcher and driving as fast as they could to the nearest hospital. Mina was asked to stay behind, so the police could ask her some questions.

Mina immediately tried to contact Uraraka, but it always reached voicemail. After a few minutes, the police arrived.

"Can you tell us what happened here?" the police officer asked.

"Some guy came in with a knife, but before I could react, my friend came in to stop him. But he fell, and the guy just stabbed him and took off. Then I called for help as soon as I saw all the blood!" Mina explains.

"I see. can you describe the man?"

"It all happened so fast. I think he had a black mask over his face. and I think he had a grey sweatshirt on Aswell." Mina said, trying to recall the traumatic event.

"Don't worry; I'm sure it was scary. You're free to go home. We can take it from here," the police reassured her.

"Thanks, I need to see if my friend is ok," Mina says as she heads to the hospital where Deku was taken.


"Still nothing, Ochaco? I know it's early, but maybe I should check on her first." Mina says.

But then her phone starts to ring.

"Ochaco? oh, it's, boss!" 

"Hello?" Mina picks up.

"Ashido, what the hell is going on? The police said a crime happened last night. Didn't you lock up!" Sojiro yells into the phone.

"It happened as I was locking up," Mina explains what went down the previous night.

"I see. Sorry for accusing you. I was just confused. I'll let Uraraka know when she comes by. You make sure there is someone there if Midoriya wakes up." 

"Yeah, ok, I'll keep trying to call her while I'm there." Mina hangs up and hurries over.

Over at Deku and Uraraka's place.

Uraraka wakes up, checks her surroundings, and doesn't see Deku on his futon. she leaps up from her futon and starts to get upset.

"DEKU, I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU'RE ON THAT COUCH!" she yells out. But when she bangs the door open, she sees the empty living room.

"Oh, did he leave already?" she questions.

She looks at her phone and sees the missed calls. But before she can look at them, her head explodes in pain. 

"NOT AGAIN!" she screams out. she quickly reaches at her head, dropping her phone on the ground as both her hands grip her head. The pain stabbed at her skull for about thirty seconds before it all went away.

"Huh, what was I doing?" the pain left her discombobulated. "I think I was on my way to work... that sounds right?" still confused, she convinced herself that was what she was doing and leaves her home and heads to the cafe.

Uraraka walks down the sidewalk with bags under her eyes. Her feet tremble, and she slowly starts to sway back and forth. Her attempts to keep her eyes from closing weaken; she suddenly collapses to the ground. 

"Hey! you, ok?" a voice calls out.

Uraraka grunts; her eyes slowly reveal Kaminari in front of her face; he is frowning with a concerning look in his eyes.

"K-Kaminari?" she manages to get out.

"Yeah, that's me, your Uraraka, right? You're close with Midoriya?" 

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