Chapter 18 - Confrontation

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Kushida, redirecting the conversation: "So, what were you doing here, Ayanokoji-kun? It's quite late."

Kiyotaka: "I received a message from Hoshino asking me to come to the roof." Kushida was evidently trying to deceive me, a tactic aligning with her nature. Considering what she knew of me—a quiet nobody—she likely assumed I'd take her side over Ai's.

Kushida: "Oh!" She glanced at Ai with a seemingly innocent expression. "Why did you call him here? There was nothing happening at all, was there?" Her voice bore a veneer of innocence, but beneath it, I sensed veiled threats. Kushida appeared to be offering Ai an opportunity to retreat and pretend this situation never occurred. However, that wasn't going to happen. If my assumptions about Kushida were true, she wouldn't take kindly to anyone knowing her secret. It was an ironic twist of fate that both Ai and Kushida were hiding something, and now their secrets clashed.

Amidst this charade, I could see Ai trying to convey a message, her eyes pleading for understanding. It was a race against time to grasp what she wanted to reveal before the situation spiraled further.

Kiyotaka: "[Sigh] I guess it was nothing then. Let's go, Hoshino. I'm sure you can forget whatever Kushida said." There was no point in prolonging this encounter. Dealing with Kushida's ego wasn't worth my time. I'd find out what happened from Ai later. Kushida was unlikely to escalate the situation to the point of expelling Ai. She was already practically invisible in this school.

I maintained my usual expression—a blank canvas of indifference—giving no hint of any emotion. I gestured for Ai to come with me. As she hesitated, glancing between me and Kushida, I noticed Kushida looking at me strangely.

Kushida: "Hold on." Ai paused, turning to face Kushida, who maintained her typical smile. "Ayanokoji-kun, what do you mean, 'ignore what I said'?"

Kiyotaka: "I meant exactly that. I assumed that was the misunderstanding."

Kushida: "Is that so..."

Kiyotaka: "Yes. What else would I be implying?"

Kushida: "It just seems a bit strange that you would use those specific words."

Kiyotaka: "You may believe so. However I can assure you that I meant nothing."

All three of us stood in silence for a while as Kushidas eyes seemed to dart between both me and Ai. Her face was one that seemed to be calculating something.

Kushida: "Wouldn't you agree it's also a bit strange for you to just come here?" Shebroke the silence with her question.

Kiyotaka: "As I mentioned, I came because Hoshino told me to."

Kushida: "Is that so? And what did she send you in that message?" Kushida insinuated that I knew about her actions through Ai. She believed I was aware of her true nature. Although I did nothing to reveal this, it was an unfortunate coincidence that seemed like evidence to her.

Kiyotaka: "Nothing but a request to come quickly." A half-truth.

Kushida: "Awfully convenient you were so willing to at this time of the day."

Kushida: "I severely doubt that." Her voice dropped once again, her face twisting into a scowl. "You know." She seemed to jump to a conclusion.

Kiyotaka: "I can't fathom what you're attempting to imply."

Kushida: "Do you think that I'm stupid? That gullible, that foolish?"

Kiyotaka: "I never said anything of that nature." I make a motion to leave. "I'll be going now then."

Kushida: "Stop." She moved her left foot in a way that would have blocked my leave. Rather interesting move if she still was attempting to make it seem that she was the same innocent girl.

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