Start from the beginning

They finally had found their happy ending.

Laiba felt a pang of jealousy at the sight in front of her. She hurriedly muttered a couple of duas for the couple. Asking Allah to bless them and protect them from evil eyes.

"Your husband is not that bad," Sarah admitted when she saw Aariz entering the hall.

Laiba's eyes followed Aariz as he sauntered towards the group of men, "Maybe." She mumbled watching the guys greet him with fist bumps, hand-shakes and side hugs.

He had changed into a casual white t-shirt, blue blazer, black pants and sneakers.

"He is also generous." Sarah began.

She tore her gaze from him to look at her best friend.

"And charming." She added, shamelessly.

She got suspicious, "What did you do?" She squinted at her.

"What would I do?" She inserted innocent in her voice.

"No, because the only ones on your good books are the people who have fed you with either food or materialistic things. And as far I know Aariz, he plays the charming card only when he needs something for someone otherwise he will ignore your existence."

"I'm offended, you think so low of me." She placed a dramatic hand on her chest.

"It's a fact." She deadpanned, "What did he want from you?"

"I'm not telling you." She mimed zipping her lips with her pinched fingers.

"Seriously?" She gave her a scowl.

"I know, babe. I know you are my best friend but this is a Hermes Bag we are talking about, uh-huh! Can't risk it." She refused to disclose.

"Wait, what?" Laiba's eyes widened.

"Oops!" She covered her mouth, "Did I say that out loud?"

"Are you going to tell me what's this all about or should I just ask Aariz?" She threatened, about to get on her feet

"No, no, don't do that." She grabbed her hand and stopped her, "I'll tell you." She pulled her back on her seat and twisted her head so that they were facing each other, "Okay, your husband might have bribed me into doing something for him. But honestly, it's nothing. I would have done that for free but since he offered to get me anything I want, I couldn't miss the chance, can I?" She expectantly looked at Laiba.

"Wait, is it the super expensive bag that you've been raving about which Abi refused to buy for you because he thought it was a total waste of money?" She recalled.

"Yep. That one." She cheekily confirmed.

"And he agreed to buy you that bag?"

"Don't look so shocked. You know your husband is rich, right? It's nothing for him." She gave a dismissive wave of her hand.

She continued to glower at her best friend.

"Come to think of it," She placed both of her hands on her hips, "I'm your best friend. You and your husband are supposed to adopt me and spoil me with expensive gifts and food." She clicked her tongue in disappointment.

Laiba face-palmed herself, "Ya-Allah, how did I end up befriending this crazy woman."


V: Meher is definitely up to something.

A: I asked Sarah to be with Laiba. She won't approach her. I'm here in case she does. I got this.

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