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January 23, 2004

"Theo..." My sister croaks out as she sits in the creek, unable to get up. Her hand reaches up to me, silently pleading for me to help her. I just stand there, on the bridge, watching. She was violently shivering now, her skin already blue from the cold. Seconds later she stilled. I try not to cry, I try to push the feelings down, deep inside of me. This is a good thing. I tell myself. This will make me better, just like they said.

I rushed home, telling my parents I heard screaming, and to come quickly. They call 911, and then the police find her in the river, dead.


January 29, 2004

"We're moving." My mom tells me, handing me a few boxes for my stuff.

"What? Why?" I can't leave Sophia...

"The memories here are too strong." A tear slides down her face, I know she's thinking about Tara. "Please pack fast, we leave tomorrow."

"But that's so soon!" I protest.

"You don't get a say in the matter. Start working."

I cry as I pack up my whole life into a few boxes. After finishing, I head to that place.


I storm into the depressing room, pissed. I look around at the medical equipment, the tank of green liquid -with a body inside might I add- that will never stop creeping me out, and finally the doctors. The men that just tricked me into ruining my life.

"You said that if she died, everything would be okay, that I could be better, and happier!" I yell at the three men in metal suits, angry. "But now my Mom is making us move! I quit."

"Forever... Stay... With us" One of them responds, letting me know there isn't any way out. I already had her heart. In a few months, I would be an unfathomable creature, capable of anything.

I walk out of their 'lair', and go to Sophia's house. I wipe the tears still sliding down my face. I don't want to leave my best friend.

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