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June 16, 2002

We head into my room, per my mom's request.

"What game should we play?" Theo asks.

"I have a game. It's called Truth or Dare." Keisha suggests.

"How do you play?" I'm very excited to learn how to play a game with the word 'dare' in the title.

"Well, I ask someone truth or dare, and if they say truth they have to answer a question honestly, but if they say dare I get to dare them to do something, and they can't say no."

"That doesn't sound very safe." Scott says warily.

"It's okay, Scott. We don't have to do anything crazy. And you can just say truth every time."

After convincing Scott, everyone agreed to play.

We sat in a circle on my bedroom floor.

"Ok, I'll go first. Stiles, truth or dare?"


"Is it true you have a crush on Lydia Martin?"

He turns to me, a look of betrayal evident in his features. "Sophia, you said you wouldn't tell!"

"I didn't."

"Stiles, I overheard you talking to Scott when you were at our house a few weeks ago. You need to get better at whispering." Keisha says, coming to my defense. I mean, she wasn't lying exactly. She did overhear them, but then I told her since she already knew.


"Anyways, it's your turn."

"Hmm. Scott, truth or dare?"


"Is it true you broke a harmonica in music class last week?"

"I-uh- It was an accident."

"Oooh. Someone's gonna be in trouble." Keisha teases her brother.

"Don't tell!"

"I won't. Just be grateful you're my favorite brother."

"I'm your only brother."

"I know. It's your turn."

"Oh, right. Sophia, truth or dare?"

"Dare." He thinks for a moment. "I dare you to give everyone a fist-bump."

"Aww, c'mon Scotty, that's lame."

"I don't want your arm to get hurt worse." He says gently.

"You have to do it, monkey." Theo says, reminding me of the rules.

I walk around the room, giving everyone a fist-bump. Then it's my turn.

"Theo, truth or dare?"

"Truth." "If you could have any pet what would it be?"

"A puppy."

"Keisha, truth or dare?"


"I dare you to... prank call a restaurant."

Finally some action. We walked to the kitchen, mom was already done cleaning, and had decided to watch some tv. Keisha picks up the phone book, and chooses a fast food place to call. She dials the number, putting the phone on speaker so we could listen in.

"Burger King, how may I be of assistance?" A male voice greets.

"Hello, kind sir. I would like to order sushi?"

"Sorry ma'am we don't sell sushi here." We are all giggling madly as she comes up with what to say next.

"Really? I could've sworn this was the restaurant I got raw meat from a few weeks ago."

"If you have a complaint, I can redirect you to our feedback line."

"No, I'm alright. Are you single?"

She hangs up before he can answer. I'm laughing so hard at this point my eyes are tearing up. We go back to my room and continue the game. After a few more rounds Scott and Keisha's mom comes back to pick them up. We say our goodbyes. Stiles, Theo and I decide to watch a show.

"We should watch Inspector Gadget." Stiles suggests.

Theo and I agree, so we get a blanket and all sit on the couch, me in between the two boys. Stiles presses play. We watch a few episodes before Theo's mom calls him home for dinner. After dinner, me and Stiles play Clue. Then it's time for bed. I head to my room, then lay on my bed. I was distracted all day, so I never really got a chance to think. But now that I do, I can't get it out of my mind. How are we gonna survive without mom? I cry myself to sleep, and know Stiles is probably doing the same thing.

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