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June 16, 2002

I woke up before my husband and kids. After I shower and get dressed, I head towards the kitchen to use the phone. On my way, I peek into my son's room. Him and his sister were cuddled together on his bed. I know they will always be there for each other when I'm gone. I pick up the phone, dialing the familiar number.


"Hi, Melissa. I was just double checking if you still wanted me to watch Scott and Keisha today while you're at work."

"Are you sure? I know you just got some bad news."

"Yes, I'm fine. I think having friends over will do the kids good."

"Good idea. And I know my kids'll be excited to hang out. Is eight okay?"

"Of course. See you guys soon."

A few moments later, a very energetic Sophia skips into the kitchen.

"Good morning Sophia."

"Morning, mommy."

She pulls out a box of cereal.

"How 'bout I make bacon and French toast instead?"

"Yes, I like that idea."

"Keisha and Scott will be here in about half an hour." I tell her, noticing the way her face brightens at the prospect.

"Keisha's coming?"

I nod. A huge smile makes its way onto her face.

"I have to go clean my room, super fast." She says before running to her room.

I start working on breakfast. I gather the ingredients, setting them on the counter.

A few minutes into the process, a sleepy looking Stiles comes into the room, his teddy bear clutched in his hand.

"Good morning, Stiles."

He rubs his eyes in response.

"Keisha and Scott are coming soon."

"I know, Soph woke me up 'cause she is screaming about it at the top of her lungs."

I laugh, knowing how much the small girl admires the tween.

"She also said something about bacon."

"Oh, so that's what really got you up."

He's about to respond when we hear a knock on the door. Sophia must've heard, because she comes running towards the front door.

"KEISHA!!!" She opens the door, letting them in.

Stiles walks over to Scott to do their special handshake. Sophia hugs Keisha. I talk to Melissa for a bit before she has to leave for the hospital.

I go back to cooking breakfast while the kids play. I was frying the last bit of bacon when I hear the gate connecting our neighbor's yard to ours. I glance out the window. A young boy comes up to the back door, I motion for him to come in. We never lock that door.

"Did you smell the bacon all the way from your house, Theo?"

"I didn't but if there's extra I would love some, Mrs. Stilinski."

"There'll be plenty. Is Tara coming over too?"

"Nah, she had a sleepover with one of her friends last night."

"Alright. The kids are somewhere, Keisha and Scott got here a little bit ago."

He nods, then wanders off to find his friends. I finish cooking and call the kids in for breakfast.

The kids weave around Noah, who only just now got up. As he arrives next to me he presses a sweet kiss to my forehead. "Why did I wake up to a mob of children?" He asks jokingly.

"I'm the daycare today."

"Of course you are." He looks at the children, gathering around the table. "You're missing one."

"Tara? Theo said she slept over at a friend's house."

"Ah, of course. She's too cool to hang out with the kids?"

"She's at that age."

"Hard to believe she's already 14. Feels like yesterday they were moving in with a tiny little girl and a boy on the way."

"Time flies. Which reminds me, you need to leave for work in twenty minutes."

"And snag some food before the gremlins eat it all."

"That too."

He goes back to our room, leaving me with the 'gremlins'. After he leaves for work and the kids are fed, I tell them to go play a quiet game in Sophia's room while I clean up.

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