"We're through!" Harry wails, dramatically. "They said I'm an intolerable egomaniac. I don't even know what that means!!" He cries, running away.

"Wait!" (Y/N) yells before groaning, "that's two acts down, Buster!"

"I—I know, maybe you could perform something?!" Buster nervously questions in a high-pitched voice.

"Nope, nu-uh. No way!" (Y/N) firmly replies, "I'm not that great of a singer, so, I don't know!"

Buster bites his nails before turning and walking into the theater, (Y/N) following.

"All right! We are two acts down," Buster nervously laughs, (Y/N) still following as he approaches the stage as Meena and Ms. Crawly put the fire out.

(Y/N) pauses for a moment when she sees Meena, almost recognizing her.

We went through a thousand people the day of the auditions... But she seems really familiar.

"How's the stage, Ms. Crawly?" (Y/N) questions, her gaze flickering to the elderly woman holding a silver bucket.

"Oh. It's not as bad as it looks!" Ms. Crawly yelps as she falls through the stage floorboards, nervously laughing as (Y/N) and Buster rush to her. "Oopsie-daisy."

Buster sighs heavily before looking up at Meena, "Meena! How would you like to re-audition for the show?"

Meena... Meena... Meena!

"Oh! It's you! The sweet girl that got cut off by that jerk!" (Y/N) exclaims, pointing to a startled Meena.

"O-Oh, that's very, nice of you to say but I mean I'm not that sweet, not that I'm mean or anything! But I'm not-- I..." Buster and (Y/N) stare at Meena as she trails off. "Right..."

"So! How about it? Want to re-audition?" (Y/N) grins, making Meena gasp in delight and push her bangs back.

"Really?!" She shrinks back as her shyness takes over, her bangs flopping in their place once more. "Well... Yeah..."

"Great!" Buster nods, attempting to free Ms. Crawly.

"I mean, no!"

"What?" (Y/N) grunts, trying to carefully lift Ms. Crawly out.

"I mean, yes! I can sing," Meena grins before frowning, internally battling, "but, no. I get so nervous and I can't do it. I mean, I would, I would totally do it but... I-ah-uh... No, I... No..."

(Y/N) slightly frowns, sympathizing with Meena as Buster watches Meena with a neatrual face.

"... I'm gonna take that as a maybe," Buster nods, and Ms. Crawly giggles a 'weeee' as (Y/N) lifts her up and out of the hole, setting her frail self down.

The (H/C)-haired girl jumps at the sound of Korean music playing, looking towards the rehearsal rooms with an exasperated sigh.

"Great, they're back." (Y/N) sarcastically mumbles.

"Great, they're back!" Buster exclaims in excitement, racing after them as (Y/N) facepalms herself.

"I'm gonna head up stairs with... And you're gone," (Y/N) huffs, turning to the two. "Think about that re-audition, Meena. I see greatness in you," she smiles, making Meena's eyes widen as she blushes in embarrassment.

"O-oh, I, uh-- thank, thank you..." She squeaks out as (Y/N) grins back, saying bye to Ms. Crawly as she heads up stairs to meet Johnny.


Buster turns the music off, making the girls all look at him with raised brows.

"Listen, guys, forget what I said before." Buster grins, and the girls tilt their heads at him. "You are very talented. Please, join the show, okay?" The girls all look at each other in confusion. "Yes? No?"

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